6. The sinner-man

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Written by VeGirl 2018

"So, have you seen Cain yet?"

Lucifer sighed. "I've been procrastinating, as Linda would have said."

Maze froze. Linda; she missed Linda, but she couldn't reveal that; not here, not now. Determined not to let the pesky emotions affect her, she shook them off. "Maybe it is time to stop procreating." The spooner was intended and Maze grinned. "The two sons of perdition reunited."

Lucifer turned towards her, lips pursed in visual dislike. "One more like that and I will throw you to the dogs."

Maze jumped up and down while clapping her hands, totally uncharacteristicly of her. Two seconds did it last before she returned to her usually sarcastic threatening self. "You can forget those damned hellhounds I will thrash them. Now, go see your son."

Even the domains around them momentarily flickered in red as Lucifer's face flamed in anger. "You will not speak to me like that, I never want to hear that old cuffer again."

"Good, now you're ready to meet him." Maze turned her back on the raging Devil and walked out of there.

Lucifer grinded his teeth. Damn if she wasn't right the little demon. Angrily he stomped, nay, marched determined to the section of hell which held the most infamous of sinners.

Cain was on his back on a stone ledge in the cave-like cell of his and Lucifer wondered why he wasn't pounding a rock in his brother's head or ordering to have Chloe killed over and over. Actually Lucifer was grateful that it wasn't the latter. "So, you have finally come to gloat, you little Devil."

"Gloating is not my style."

"Yes it is." Cain still didn't meet his eyes. "Family is the worst, right."

"Not you too," Lucifer growled. "We are not related. I never touched your mother," he practically barked. Maze had hit the ultimate spanner, right in the proverbial wheel.

Cain slowly turned towards Lucifer, observing him close.

"She was not my favorite in Eden. Quite meek in comparison." Lucifer couldn't help but to gloat.

"With whom?"

"Your father's ex. Please keep up." Lucifer felt annoyed, but mostly because the old rumor that someone had started eons ago. "I mean Eve was not that hot even if we had a few laughs together."

"Stop talking about my mother." Cain sat up and the tone in his voice indicated that he was not to mess with.

"What?" Lucifer flung his hands out. "You killed my mother! Granted; my mother was not in Charlotte when you killed her, but still, she has affective value."

Cain laid down again, his hands behind his head. "She was a mean to an end."

Rage built within Lucifer but he knew it was to no use. Cain would not be easily frightened. He slumped down very uncharacteristic for him on the floor, leaning his head back on the wall. "I thought The Sinnerman punished the guilty. Charlotte did her best to make amends."

Cain had no answer. In his dreams he killed her over and over in an attempt to frame Lucifer, but he wasn't about to admit that to him anytime soon. Both of them sat in silent contemplation for a good while.

"How come you weren't good," Lucifer frowned, "considering who bred you."

Cain slowly turned his head towards Lucifer with a questioning look. "What about you?"

Lucifer blinked and then exhaled. "Touché," was all he said. Who decided what was good and what wasn't, he once again wondered. Silence returned as they were both in their own mind.

"I heard father speak her name in his sleep once in a while; Lilith," Cain explained, waiting for Lucifer to continue.

A smile flickered over Lucifer's face. "Well she was something else..." he reminisced. "A body to die for and quite a mind of her own." He chuckled. "She marched to her own drum, my adorable Lill."

"Where did she go?"

Lucifer looked surprised at his odd companion. "You mean when my father disliked her behavior? Where did you think she went? Hell, of course!" He sighed and shook his head in annoyance. "She ran her own circles here, seven perhaps? I wish I could pay her a visit..." his lips curved into a wicked smile. If someone could raise his mood it was Lilith.

"So, if not me, what did you do with my mother?"

Lucifer's eyes got black the second the question was out there. "All I did was ask what my father specifically told her," Cain's expression irritated Lucifer who flung his hands out. "Did he say that they couldn't eat fruit from any of the trees? She said no, that's not my fault is it? I never told her to eat it."

All Cain did was briefly lift his eyebrows.

Lucifer's patience was over, and so was this walk down memory lane. Swiftly he got to his feet, brushed his suit pants off and left Cain's cell.

He faltered over the path to choose. He thought about all the times he had sought Lilith up or return to his own quarters? While thinking about the good old days, he leaned against the wall, taking a smoke. He put a hand in the pocket of his pants and to his surprise pulled something out. A shoe from a monopoly game. A wave of memory washed over him, memories of lying on a carpet playing monopoly without a care in the world. Pain surged through him and with it, anger following fast behind.

Distractions, that was what he needed; distractions of gigantic proportions. He marched back to Cain's holding cell. "What is it you expect to happen?"

Cain remained calm on his back.

"I mean you can't expect to come to the Silver City just because you managed to trick the detective." The glib expression was back and he was not backing down.

"I'm just waiting for the revenge of your father."

Lucifer laughed. "What I heard, he wasn't that particular fond of you." Somehow it was hard for him not to taunt the man before him. 

"Maybe you haven't read what the scribes wrote?" Cain was low-voiced. "That whoever kill Cain shall suffer sevenfold vengeance. I'm just biding my time."


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