20. Old friends

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"It is time for a conversation mr Morningstar." Lieutenant Powell put a hand on Lucifer's shoulder.

This occurred a couple of days later.

The archangel Michael had offered a feather of his own to heal the bleeding Lucifer on the balcony of his villa but then with a gust of air had disappeared. Lucifer had huffed indignantly but the sister had pushed him back on a chair while telling him to man up and then with a bright light had fixed his wound in the same manner Lucifer had healed Chloe.

The amorous mood had turned into a family reunion instead, something that Chloe had actually enjoyed. The supernatural entity had somehow not shocked her like you might believe, but she had revelled in the human relationship between the angels.

A couple of days had passed since then and here in the precinct Lucifer had followed the Lieutenant into her office. He sat down in the visitors chair in the her office. His legs were crossed and his hands rested on his knee. For a moment he noticed how the woman across the desk studied the ring on his finger, but then shook it off and seemed to put a mask up, finishing it up with a smile. "So mr Morningstar, how come you became a civilian consultant to the LAPD?"

The question surprised him and before he answered, he took his time to study the woman on the other side of the desk. There was some sense of familiarity with the woman in front of him though he was certain that she wasn't any former sexual partner of his. He took pride in remembering every human he had been doing the dirty with.

He told her the story of Delilah who had been shot and how he had been part of finding the guilty. Swiftly he left out his threatening part in solving the case, and also how the bullets had bounced off him. While getting to know Chloe he had learned how much honesty humans needed and how much they could take before rationalizing it off.

The blonde woman studied him as if she had the ability to detect honesty. "I just had to look into you since your record states that Lucifer Morningstar didn't exist more that five or so years ago."

"On the earthly plane no," was his obvious answer.

"I will look into your past mr Morningstar."

"Be my guest," he answered with a smile. "I might surprise you." This conversation was going nowhere and to his own surprise he wasn't in the mood to find out the woman's desire. "If there is nothing more, I'd like to continue with the homicide at hand Lieutenant,"

She excused him and with a sense of vexation he left her office.

~ ~ ~

It was in the car heading out of town with Chloe next to him that he came to think of the conversation with the Lieutenant again. "When you found out that I had no records beyond those odd five years back, what did you do," he asked Chloe with an honest curiosity.

"Are you back in the conversation with the Lieutenant?"

"Hmm, it vexes me."

Chloe smiled and leaned back. "I fabricated a past for you."

"You did what?"

"Well, not until I knew everything, but then I filled in a plausible past for you." She shrugged and gave the surprised devil a smile. "In case anyone as her would look into you." She knew it was the wrong thing to do and his scutinizing look just now made her reconsider it. "I have contacts," she defended herself with. The intrusion in his records had been discrete and not easily found.

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