22. I need a shrink

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Chloe rushed out through the door in pursue. "Where did he go?"

"Where did who go."

"God...free, Godfrey," Chloe stuttered with a few additional "Yeah, Mm-hmm. Godfrey." It sounded as if she tried really hard to be convincing. She gave Ella the sturdy look, or at least so she intended. "Did you see him?"

Ella narrowed her eyes. "Mmm-hm..." With no other comment Ella left for her lab, leaving Chloe there, feeling like an idiot.

"Why are you looking like that?" Lucifer was back after having rushed out after his father. He was now trying to decipher Chloe's perculiar expression.

Chloe stalked back into the conference room, slumped down in a chair and leaned forward with her elbows on her knees and her hands covering her face. "This is too much for my human brain to wrap around," she sighed.

Lucifer who had followed her squatted down before her. "You are the bravest human I have ever met," she reassured softly. "Despite her reputation, she is just human as well; quite meek in comparison if you ask me."

Chloe looked at his beautiful face and tried, as she said before, to wrap her head around this latest emergency. "Eve was made directly from... well you know who."

"Dad," he filled in.

Chloe chortled. "Every time you said that I thought you were delusional or suffered from megalomania." She shook her head.

"And it turned out that I was just the Devil," he said soft and she chuckled again.

"An angel," she corrected.

"Yeah well..." he dismissed that comment even though it was hard to deny with those feathered limbs that occasionally seemed hard to control. "I just wonder why she's here. The how can wait, the why is more important for the time being."

Once again she sighed heavy. "I think I need a shrink."

"Excellent idea. I think we need a sit-down with dr. Linda." Lucifer confirmed. Linda had helped him through more than one global crisis. Perhaps she was the bravest human he knew? He shook that off and picked his phone up to call the woman.

~ ~ ~

An hour later Chloe and Lucifer met up with Linda in the penthouse. They had deemed this conversation unfitting for the precinct and chosen Lucifer's abode instead.

"So, celestial planning session it is," Linda said with a sigh and a smile as she sat down in the sofa with Chloe and Lucifer. "What's the crisis this time?" She crossed her legs.

Lucifer ran the cliff note version and Chloe colored in some lacking details.

"God is here?"

"Helicopter parent," Lucifer muttered. "But why is Eve here, that is the question at hand."

Linda took a deep breath, instantly tapping inte the deducing therapy-part of her brain. "Unfinished business?" She gazed out through the windows. "What type of unfinished business could she have, wasn't she.." Linda closed her eyes and stretched her neck before she finished. "...very old?"

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