23. A little help from a friend

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Chloe had been forced to leave the celestial dilemmas to the people it initially concerned. Since Amenadiel had questioned who took care of the human dramas while Chloe helped Lucifer, she had found that an eye-opener. It was true that the mortals had to focus on the every day homicides, while the angels had celestial and more overall global crisis on their hand.

Her day job had urgent business to take care of and since the new Lieutenant had gone awol, they had been forced to assign a small group of people to distribute the cases until a new Lieutenant was hired to do that. Chloe was part of that group. They were three detectives with good closing-range who did their best to collect statements, talk to the subordinates and plan work schedules. Her career was important to her, it felt great to take that step forward and spread her proverbial wings. At least initially.

It only took a little over a week for her to grasp what this new position meant.

Even though the honor of being offered this position was flattering, coordinating crime scenes was not what Chloe wanted to do. Being detective; solving crimes was what she longed to do. It was her passion. To use her brain; deducing was her game, not sitting around telling others to do that. The raise was welcome though.

"Hey gorgeous!"

Chloe literally jumped, startled by the helpful friend and co-worker Ella who seemed to have tiptoed into the new makeshift head office and scared Chloe.

"I'm sorry, I startled you."

"No, no really. That was completely... "

"Mm-hmm..." Ella pursed her mouth with her trademark stern look. "Lie."

Chloe mirrored the stern expression. She couldn't deny it; her friend was right about the not-so-honest comment, she had jumped skywards so why deny it? "I haven't seen you around much lately," Chloe deflected.

Now Ella was the one who looked like she wanted an alternative truth to pull out of her hat. "I had an old friend dropping by," she murmured.

"That's exciting," Chloe exclaimed relieved to get a few minutes distraction from her boring paperwork. "Who?"

Ella looked away, but then she looked like she had made her mind up. "It was RaeRae, who apparently is Lucifer's sister." Ella held a sarcastic expression that revealed how much of that she believed.

Chloe chortled. "Well she is intense, but she mean well."

"I understand that you have met her," Ella deduced without a detective intuition. Chloe nodded. "It's just that..." Ella weighed how much to reveal before she continued. "That means that Lucifer is not a method actor."

This was Chloe's time to awkward look away. "Yeah, not so much."

"How can we deal with that?" Ella slumped down on the visitors chair. She asked a lot of the questions that Chloe had asked herself and they helped each other to handle the answers. "I mean; the Devil?"

"Well, to his defense he has kept on telling us the truth the entire time no matter how we have refused to take him serious."

Ella nodded. "Yeah, not so much with RaeRae," she murmured with the twang of bitterness.

"I suppose that Azrael was trying to protect you."

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