27. Answers

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Hello my beautiful readers. As you all surely have sensed this story is coming to an end. It is now February 2019 and as a part of #SaveLucifer I am now anxiously awaiting the fourth season to air. I can't wait to see what the talented writers, cast and crew have in store for us.

I want to thank you all for reading, voting and commenting this story. A special thank you to @user83154834 for your encouraging comments throughout this story. Thank you!

Love, VeGirl

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Maze had sauntered in, got a handful of obscenities from Lucifer which she simply shrugged off. "You were never in danger." She swept her protective obligation away. "I better take the lightweight Ellen home." With enviable ease she took Ella over her shoulder like a sack of potato while Chloe corrected her friend's name, as Maze walked out of Lucifer's house. Azrael followed and soon the Father the Son and the exhausted Detective were alone. Michael had shouldered the task of keeping an eye on Eve that his father had bestowed upon him and therefore vanished.

"Crisis averted." Lucifer leaned his head back on the deckchair with an exhale.

"Yeah, your crises are a little bigger than the ones I'm usually held responsible to handle." Chloe sighed. "I suppose I can't keep saying that I don't believe in God anymore." She glanced at the Heavenly Father who chuckled amused.

"My existence does not depend on you believing in me. But it is always nice with some appreciation."

They sat in silence for a while, each in their own thoughts, admiring the sunset that quickly revealed twinkling lights both from the city beneath them and the sky above.

"Would you look at those stars," Chloe sighed blissfully. "They are mesmerizing." Up here on the hillside they were very clear to see and Chloe appreciated the stunning vista. "It's amazing to think how people have used them to navigate for centuries."

God turned to his son. "Why don't you ask the Lightbringer about that," he said with a smile.

Chloe frowned while figuring out what the enigmatic father meant. "You did that?"

Lucifer smiled and pointed a finger up at the sky as if he was creating a painting, then looked at the finger bemused and tried again. Chloe snickered. "I suppose it is complete," Lucifer decided and leaned back again. "So, in hinesight would you rather know all the ugly truth or should I have lied to you," Lucifer asked Chloe. "Has the truth set you free?"

Chloe took a deep breath. "Honestly I'm not really sure." She smiled at him. "Yes, I'm glad that you've always been honest with me even if your nasty bits was a little too nasty for my liking. I suppose it's not easy with a reputation like your's to uphold." She smiled supportively but saw his jaw clench and the evil glare towards his father. "I suppose the truth is sometimes hard to swallow."

A wicked grin was lurking in the corner of his mouth and Chloe knew the second that sentence left her mouth that she should have thought it over. Lucifer's father started a conversation that luckily distracted him, giving Chloe a few moments to think.

Dichotomy was a word Chloe had recently read somewhere and it suited the man in front of her. He was both the beauty and the beast all rolled into one delicious creature. The more she mulled it over though, she realized that the two sides of the coin wasn't two separate parts, they where simply two extremes of the same complex creature called Lucifer. And Samael. And the devil, and the one he claimed to mostly prefer himself; old scratch.

"Why would you send Michael?" Lucifer's question warped Chloe back to the presence.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do. I could feel everything falling apart when Cain died,"

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