15. What the Hell

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"I want to see Marcu- I mean Cain," Chloe corrected and squared her shoulders. Lucifer narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "I want to make him suffer," she explained and Lucifer's expression once again changed.

"Why didn't you say that in the first place?" He grinned wide. "He hasn't suffered enough by a long shot." Lucifer's face showed all the contempt and despise he held for Cain since he put Chloe in harms way.

As much as Chloe didn't want to get out in that horrifying maze of corridors outside Lucifer's domains, she wanted answers from the man she almost married, and Lucifer supported her wish.

The qualming heat and stench once again surprised Chloe as they departed from the privacy of Lucifer's home below.

"The original wing is this way," Lucifer informed her. "The first murderer belong there."

Chloe grabbed Lucifer's arm since the warm ground seemed to move as they walked on it. In the meantime she tried to grasp the age of a man born from Adam and Eve. She gave up. Then it hit her that the man whose arm she clenched was impossibly enough even older than that. "How old are you anyway?"

Lucifer turned an inquiring face towards her. "You're asking about my age?"

"Ehrm, yes," she said, embarrassed that she had said it out loud.

"Hmm," he answered thoughtfully. "It is 2018 anno domini, yes?" He looked at her and she nodded in confirmation. "Hmm..." once again he looked away as if he was solving a mystery. "When was Big Bang?"

Chloe gawked. "Now you're just teasing me." He smiled, which she took as confirmation. "Well, you managed to distract me from the horrors of this place," she admitted as they slowly walked along the corridors and came to a part that looked like it was carved straight from the rock.

Lucifer stopped and simply motioned with his neck. A door with a small barred window indicated that they had reached their destination. She was just about to ask when Lucifer's face told her not to.

She took a few shaky steps and looked into the cell. There on a ledge in the stone wall he laid with his head resting on his hands. "Hello Marcus,"

He instantly jumped to his feet. "Chloe, what the hell are you doing here?" He stopped just inside the door with no intention to reach for her.

"Marcus how are you?"

"Me? How are you Chloe? What are you doing here?" His voice was filled with concern for her.

"We were about to marry, Marcus. You wanted to be a father figure to Trixie." Her voice that had been warm to begin with turned icy. Tears formed in her eyes. "And then you ordered to have me killed," she spat out, word laced with hatred. "You did your best for her to grow up without a mother."

"I, I..." Cain had nothing to defend himself with.

"I hope you rot in hell!" Chloe swivelled and was quickly engaged in Lucifer's arms out of sight from the inmate. Despite Cain's calls for her to come back and let him explain, she instead allowed Lucifer to lead her out of that depressing surrounding.

As they closed the huge portal behind them, Lucifer noticed tears in her eyes and immediately worried whether she still had feelings for Cain. Her first words relieved him of that. "I hope he rots in Hell," she forced out while the tears ran down her cheeks.

"He will, don't you worry." He couldn't help but to engulf her in his arms again. Her safety was his prime goal and she held onto him for dear life.

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