9. Running with the devil

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Written by VeGirl 2018

Ever since Chloe met Lucifer in Las Vegas her mind had been filled with the image of him. During the days she managed to distract herself, but all through the nights he was thoroughly present.

Deja vu seared through her as the dream she had lived through a long time ago returned with a twist.

She was straddling Lucifer in the couch of his penthouse. They were kissing deeply and the expectation of sex was prominent when she gripped a pair of protruding horns in his forehead. "I see you found my love handles," Lucifer said sultry but then his face changed into the raw, red, terrifying face of the Devil. With a jerk Chloe sat up in bed, panting while trying to calm down while all hairs of her body stood upright.

"Oh God," she sighed but then decided she needed to stop saying that.

~ ~ ~

Chloe sat by her desk at work when Lucifer came walking down the stairs. In his pristine black suit he looked just like he did before, when she thought his alter ego persona was just a gimmick. She had been so wrong.

"Good morning detective."

While feeling a bit startled by his presence, she swallowed before she answered. "Good morning Lucifer." Her body was as tense as a piano string.

"I decided to grace you with my help."

After another fraction of pause Chloe thanked him. "That was very graceful of you." She was worried that he could notice how her heart pounded.

"So, what have we got?"

Since Lucifer was pretending everything was normal between them, Chloe decided to do the same. The conversation they needed to have couldn't take place in the precinct anyway. To pretend it wasn't true was so much easier. Chloe ran the cliff note version of the present case to have him up to date. She was just going through the witnesses they needed to get hold of when Ella came walking in. She halted when she saw Lucifer sitting there, just to stomp over. "Where have you been young man?"

Ella had an interesting way of scolding him Lucifer thought. "In hell," he answered as truthfully as he always had. Chloe flinched, realizing the honesty in his answer and unwillingly rolled her chair a few steps away. Her eyes were wide open and Lucifer hated that.

Ella on the other hand who was still oblivious to the honesty, or even the possibility of truth was defending Chloe. "Yeah well mister, so was my girl Chloe as well. Where have you been?" Ella swatted him on the arm, looking like a stern big sister, scolding a obstinant little brother. "It is so not cool to leave a girl hanging when she's already lost so much."

Chloe was about to defend him when Lucifer managed on his own. "Are you finished miss Lopez, perhaps we can focus on the case." Lucifer couldn't argue with the girl and decided to deflect instead. "I had some personal matters that needed my attention," he settled with and once again avoided eye contact with Chloe.

"I'm on the clock, so yeah, we better focus, but you have some explaining to do, mister." Ella informed them of the facts she found which confirmed the suspect they already had.

"So we better get this perp out of the path of humanity." Every phrase Lucifer had used with Chloe before, made her flinch now and Chloe hated it as much as Lucifer did.

"Yeah, we better run."

~ ~ ~

The perpetrator fled, which caused Chloe and Lucifer to sport after. "Bloody hell," Lucifer grunted while Chloe once again flinched just the smallest.

Had he always talked this much about hell Chloe wondered, but tried to focus on the pursue. "Can't you do something," Chloe shouted while wishing the backup would show up. So this was what it was to run with the Devil, she thought.

"I'm not Superman," Lucifer grunted, "I can't fly." Just as that sentence went flying out his mouth Lucifer knew he had something efficient he could do beside flipping the feathers out. He stopped abruptly and pressed the palms of his hands together. In no time Amenadiel appeared before him. "What do you say about helping a brother out."

"I am not your personal time machine, Lucifer," Amenadiel complained.

"Sure you are. Chop, chop the purp is getting away and I'll ruin this suit if I have to run more."

Amenadiel sighed, closed his eyes and slowly gathered his hands as if he was doing chi-gong. Everything around the brothers was slowing down and Lucifer strolled after the pursuing party that had travelled quite the distance. His preferable way of stopping the suspect was the old kick to the groin, but for safety matters he turned the suspect towards the wall beside him first. When time ran in average pace again, the pursued doubled over in pain, hit his head on the wall and passed out. Lucifer leaned casually against the wall while lighting a cigarette to Chloe's utter surprise.

"What the..."

Lucifer smiled wide. "Please continue that sentence; what the hell."

Chloe's eyes were wide open, as were her mouth. "How did you do that?" She panted, mostly from the race she had been in, but also from the shock.

Lucifer's smile widened again after exhaling a puff of smoke. "You wanted the Superman help didn't you? Well, meet my bro." He gestured towards Amenadiel who was walking towards them. "Beside being a bit sanctimonious he can also slow down time."

"Lucifer!" They scolded in unison but for different reasons.

"Oh, she knows who I am, and we've already told her that you are the less hansome and suave brother of mine. And yes, he is sanctimonious."

Chloe and Amenadiel glanced a bit demure at each other.

"Just because you've seen my devil face, doesn't mean you know me." The usually smug grin on his face had been absent and was still. "I've been alive for eons, there is still a lot you don't know about me."


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