5. Hell of a question

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Written by VeGirl 2018

Hello dear readers,

I hope you like my little version of Lucifer and Chloe's relationship after she found out that he spoke the truth.

I can't wait to see what Tom Kapinos and the entire cast and crew of Lucifer will have in store for us when season 4 starts. Until then only our own wicked mind can keep us sated.

Love, VeGirl

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Chloe kept wondering where Lucifer had gone and also how she would react when she saw him again. Expectation and fear was a heady mixture and the two opposite emotions varied from one moment to the next. Just thinking about him made her pulse race.

Focusing on her job was difficult however much she concentrated. Trixie was still sad over loosing her friend Maze, who had also disappeared from the face of the earth it seemed. Dan had his own trouble with loosing Charlotte. Chloe was truly sorry on his behalf. After a rough start, Charlotte had really changed and Chloe had been happy for Dan, she truly was. What had Lucifer said; Charlotte was his step mother. Married to God? But after that incident on the pier months ago, Charlotte had changed. What was it Lucifer said about that. His mother's soul had been in Charlotte but was now gone? That was just crazy.

But what about calling yourself the Devil? That was truly crazy. The truth was hard to deny though, Lucifer had surely not looked his best while Chloe last saw him.

Ella was working a case in her lab when Chloe came barging in. "Have you seen Lucifer? It's been weeks now."

"No, he's usually hovering around you, as I'm sure you have noticed." Ella was a tad sarcastic, distracted as she was by the test result before her.

"Last time he disappeared it was with you."

Ella blinked in a poor attempt of looking innocent, perhaps she was just surprised. "It was a crime-scene... in Las Vegas." The last bit came out with the face of a puppy chewing on daddy's slipper. "He feared that his ex-wife was dead." The further that sentence proceeded, the weaker her voice got. Apologetic was the only way of describing her expression.

Chloe shook that train of thought off. "Do you remember when you first got here, and I asked you about God?"

Ella looked up with those eyes of hers wide awake. "The big G-question, yes I do remember that one."

"Do you believe in hell?"

Ella's eyes flew open and her brows were closing in on her hairline. "I... I did not see that one coming either. You don't beat around the bush, do you? That's one hell of a question, pun intended," she added looking a bit apologetic.

Chloe was not in a humorous mood; her face was dead serious and Ella's smile faltered. "I mean, my aunt... the nun, she never really spoke of... hell." Ella felt confused. "Why do you want to know about hell?"

Chloe seemed to suddenly understand the inappropriate question. "Oh, I just... we were talking about the Bible, and I figured that you would be familiar with it, so. I mean you were my first choice as an expert."

Ella narrowed her eyes. "Mmhm..."

"Never mind," Chloe muttered and walked away. Linda was the only one with whom she could talk and that was that. Her mind kept mulling the disappearing act. She would never have thought that Lucifer would take up such a significant part of her conscious mind, well, even the unconscious if she was being honest.

She had been attracted to him, that was the God given truth. "God," she said out loud as she had every time that word slipped through her mind. That word had gotten another meaning, it was a name. That God was Lucifer's father.

Lucifer. Chloe. How could there be a connection between the two at all. She was a completely normal woman and he was a powerful archangel. The ultimate bad, the prince of darkness, Satan.

Where the hell was he?


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