18. The odd couple

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During the workdays the odd couple kept the facade up, but out of the precinct it was possible to glint that they were more than co-workers. A relationship was carefully binding them closer. At first they were even worried that one or the other would change their mind. Chloe was certain that Lucifer would soon prefer one or more Britney, while Lucifer was even more convinced that Chloe would wake up and realize that the Devil was not boyfriend material. After dark Lucifer flew; yes flew the distance from his balcony to the much smaller balcony connected to Chloe's bedroom. She was always waiting for him with open arms.

At work they were just co-workers.

Lucifer came walking down the stairs and saw how Ella almost skipped over the floor to Chloes desk, just to assault her with a hug. "You really took the leap?" He stopped on that staircase, anxious to hear the conversation

"Excuse me?" Chloe asked.

"You and Lucifer," Ella sighed. "Dan accidentally said more than he wished. He's not that pleased though."

"I figured that last night."

"So..." Ella had an excited look on her face. "Spill girl."

Lucifer saw Chloe take a deep uneasy breath and decided to interfere. "Good morning girls," he greeted and was also assaulted with a hug from miss Lopez.

"Finally you grew some balls man," she blurted excited just to receive a insulted huff.

"There is nothing wrong with my balls miss Lopez, if you feel the need to know."

Ella snickered excited and Chloe couldn't help the smile that spread, but did her best to hide it from the forensic expert.

"I'm just so glad for you guys," Ella chirped but Lucifer had already lost the conversation.

Chloe noticed the new Lieutenant walking by with a saultry smile for Lucifer. She also noticed him giving her only a bemused reply; it wasn't the usual flirty response that Chloe had feared and that soothed her. People would always look at Lucifer with carnal fascination she realized.

Would she be able to take that in the long run?

~ ~ ~

Respect for Trixie made Chloe and Lucifer tread carefully so when the door opened and the daughter rushed in, the couple who were cuddling on the couch flew apart.

"Hi monkey, how was your day," the mother asked while smoothing down her hair.

"Hi mom, hi Lucifer," Trixie plopped down on the couch next to them. "It was great, I sat with Melissa today and when Zara and Kali were mean to a guy in their class and then tripped and fell we laughed so hard." Trixie snickered while telling the story and even if her mother frown a bit displeased, it could not ruin the joy that bubbled within her.

"It is not nice to laugh when somebody gets hurt," her mother tried to defend

"On the contrary Chloe. This is a classic case of poetic justice." Lucifer smiled wicked and Trixie was again happy to have him there. Her own joy bubbled up again.

"Just be careful when you ridicule people around you," Chloe got on her feet to put a pot of coffe on.

"Well I am of a different opinion, but don't tell your mother that, there'd be the Devil to pay."

Trixie snickered, Lucifer said the weirdest things, but he spoke to her as if she was a grown up; there was only one beside him that did that. "Lucifer, have you heard from Maze, I think I need to talk to her." Trixie held her head high and Lucifer was impressed with her pride.

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