12. Come to the dark side, we have cookies

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Chloe sat on the couch observing Lucifer and Amenadiel who were deeply involved in a conversation. Her head hurt and despite her own opinion that she was an intelligent woman, this was way over her perception. Life had been so much easier when she thought everything was just a metaphor. A flash of memory hit her; those wings they searched for, they had been his wings. The wings on his back had been stolen. Had they cut them off?

Chloe exhaled hard which Lucifer and Amenadiel noticed. "Are you okay Chloe?" It was Amenadiel who asked and that annoyed Lucifer.

"Who cut your wings off, and how are they back?" Her eyes were wide open in alarm again.

"Maze cut them off, I told her to." He waved the question away. "But when the sinnerman kidnapped me, aka Cain," he added, "the wings were back again." Chloe didn't know what to say. "And however many times I cut them off they kept growing back."

This angelic business was above her pay grade, Chloe thought and just sighed. "Is that usual," she asked.

The gravity in Amenadiel face showed what he was about to say. "You don't cut your wings off. They are a gift from father. Humanity aren't supposed to be exposed to that kind of divinity." His voice was stern and Lucifer's sigh revealed an ancient dissent between the two brothers.

Chloe was just about to say something when her phone rang and it was obvious that she needed to take it. "Dan, what is it," she answered without a thought of her current surrounding. "Are you okay?" All Lucifer saw was a serious expression as Chloe walked away. It was hard for his ego to know that the two of them shared something so deep; their past would always be a part of the presence, mainly because of that child of theirs.

Lucifer didn't want to listen to Amenadiel and held up a silencing finger to instead try to catch Chloe's conversation. "Didn't you hear? Something severe is about to happen," Amenadiel was trying to discretely state. It had been very convenient that Chloe had walked away. "It's from above."

"And you heard it through the grapevine I presume," Lucifer snarled, annoyed by his brother.

Amenadiel was just about to deliver his premonition when Chloe returned. "It was just Dan," she explained unnecessary. "He's taking Trixie to his mother for a week." She wondered why she said that, but she had always talked about Trixie and Dan with Lucifer. That shouldn't change just because...

"Will you listen to me Luci," Amenadiel snarled. "The best thing you could do now is to get back to Hell."

Chloe was surprised by the statement. He had just got back and she wasn't ready to lose him already. "But," she started to speak her mind but was interrupted by a girl, suddenly sitting on the couch with them. Chloe startled.

"He's right Lu," the dark haired girl said.

Lucifer noticed her distress. "You better come over to my side." He offered her a hand.

"Because you have cookies, right."

Lucifer laughed out loud. "If that is your thing, I most certainly will arrange that." His eyes twinkled in that flirty expression. It actually made Chloe's stomach flutter just the slightest. She took the proffered hand and took a seat next to him.

"You bake cookies now Lu?" Azrael and Amenadiel looked bemused at each other and at Lucifer who sighed. "It's a human joke, I don't expect you to understand it."

Chloe recognized the girl they had met in Las Vegas. "Excuse me for asking, but you are all siblings?" she had to ask even if she had met them both earlier.

"We have many siblings," Lucifer said as if he had already said it many times. Perhaps he had but she hadn't paid attention.

"There is no time for idle chit chat," Amenadiel interrupted. "I'm sorry Chloe but Lucifer needs to return to his place in Hell."

"No," slipped out of Chloe to everybody's surprise. She didn't know what to further add, but she wasn't ready to loose him again and that feeling surprised her.

"That is what father decided." Amenadiel had the stern expression on again. Azrael nodded. "Yes, I can only agree however much I have missed you Lu. None of us have chosen our roles."

Lucifer stood up. "For all eternity my name will be invoked to represent all the depravity of humans, that is the gift my father gave me." He felt offended, that was without doubt and for some strange reason Chloe wanted to defend him.

Silence filled the room. Neither Amenadiel or Azrael could argue.

"We could change, to just hang around dead people is no party. They are so morose."

The anger seeped out of Lucifer. It was true that his sisters part in his father's play had not been the most glamorous one but she was at least not sin incarnate. "Then what do you desire Rae-Rae."

"It is not up to us to decide these things Luci, you know that." Amenadiel took the big brother role.

"Still, the question does have merit, though"

"Yes, but I think it is time to take you back, I never promised you to stay here forever."

"Amenadiel, your deal was a blank check, have you forgotten?" Lucifer never forgot anything and neither did his siblings, something they gladly announced. Chloe was stunned in a way she usually wasn't but then again this wasn't any conversation she usually had. In the midst of these arguments, that ominous feeling returned to Lucifer, that feeling of being watched from afar. He got to his feet and carefully scouted out the huge window. Something bad was coming for him, he was certain and he better take action.

"If you're around forever, you tend to take some things for granted, as I can fully confirm." His statement silenced everything in the room and they looked bemused at him. "I think my time on the dark side is closing in."


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