4. Oh Hell

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Written by VeGirl 2018

When Maze had once again come up with the preposterous suggestion that they should return to the underworld, Lucifer wanted to object. But here he was, darkness once again seeping into his body and mind. This place did things to a mind, he thought distracted. Was it perhaps the memories of that searing pain as he first fell through the circles of hell that changed him. It could have been the despair that he had broken his dear Chloe. No, she was never his from the start, he reminded himself.

This was where God intended him to be and now he was here to do Gods work; punishing the guilty. To do just what his father intended for him was flat out depressing. But then again; hell was never created for a happy, go lucky state of mind. It was expected for his mind to be dark.

With heavy steps he walked around to inspect the domains. Never before had those steps felt this heavy, he thought. "Oh Hell," he muttered. With eons passed he had gladly forgot the suffocating feeling as he fell through all circles of hell that first time. Searing pain mixed with confusion and an echoing feeling of loneliness had surged through him. A visible shiver went through him at the memory and he tried to focus on anything beside that. "Let's go torture some souls in the name of my father, shall we," he told himself and continued the extensive inspection of cells.

The entire circle of hell seemed to constantly shiver and shake. He looked upwards and frowned. "Bloody ash," he sighed and brushed the shoulders of his black suit with a frown. "I better get dressed accordingly." The old robe of black silk prevented the blasted ash from sticking, it just slid straight off. He turned around, back to his quarters and found the long black clothing that bullowed behind him as he roamed the hallways.

Maze on the other hand got that devilish glint back in her eyes, Lucifer noticed when they had returned to their old domains. Her own torture chamber was reorganized, five earthly years, or eons in this dimension, of dust removed and every one of her blades thoroughly sharpened. She easily slipped back into her old mission; tormenting souls while protecting her master. It had been more than once that she had begged him for them to return here, her wish had finally been granted. Forged in the bowels of hell as she was, she delighted in inflicting pain.

Lucifer on the other hand was reminded of his last visits to this damned place. The first short visit where he had promised to follow his Father's plan, and the second one where he had done his best to bargain for Chloe's life. That time he had encountered his own hell-loop where he had to kill his own brother over and over. His mother had been forced to come and rescue him.

This time he was here on his own omission.

Uriel was not the only reason Lucifer avoided that particular wing of hell. It also reminded him too much of Lux, where he had been having a blast. No, a trip down memory lane was so not an option. This time he had come here on his own account. He had no other choice but to embrace it just as Maze had done.

Among the cells of hell, he wandered, looking for some of the most deprived child molesters and murderers, crying for another chance to redeem themselves.

"Why would I grant you the favor of redemption, Lucifer muttered to himself. "It's your conscience that's punishing you."


Lucifer halted and looked into the cell where the woman once again called out the same name. Bemused he opened the door and stepped inside. "You called. What can I do for you my dear."

The woman widened her eyes. "Satan, is that you?"

Lucifer smiled wide. "I prefer the name Lucifer actually, what can I do for you?"

She threw herself at him. "You have to help me!"

Lucifer took a step backwards with brows furrowed while brushing the front of his black Prada shirt. So why wouldn't the devil wear Prada? "Not so fast there. I don't have to do anything."

"I didn't mean to kill her. I can't be blamed!"

"Oh, the devil made you do it, eh?" Lucifer spit out. "It's not like I'm sitting on your shoulder, not your's or anybody else's."

"I can't take this anymore, I have to get out of here." The panic in her eyes was clear to see and she just bolted. "Let me out, let me out!" She pressed herself past a momentarily surprised Lucifer and ran out in the darkness outside her cell.

"You can't just run out," Lucifer protested meek. "You'll get lost. Get back here!" Annoyance bubbled up within him. "Silly bint," he sighed. "Oh well, it's been a while since I had a good hunt." Lucifer smiled devilish and increased his long stride. "I'm coming to get you."

A hunt ensued. The woman was highly motivated to flee and Lucifer was honestly not really in the mood, not to run, and not really to be here at all. To his advantage, he had spent eons in this place and he knew most of the nooks and crannies; the woman easily got lost. The part of him that awakened carnal fascination in both women and men was buried deep down, but the terrifying Devil was trembling on the surface of him. "Get back to your cell, you need to face the consequences of you action," he growled while grabbing her upper arm and halfwhat dragging her back to where she had fled from.

"So, this is anger management class?" Maze was leaning on the doorframe just outside said cell with a wicked smile in her face. "It's good to see the Master in action."

Lucifer snapped his head towards Maze. "Stop talking." He slammed the door on the cell and marched away. The need to let off steam was almost overwhelming. Maze's torture chamber was his destination and the stride was determined.  "Just rack 'em up Maze, and keep them coming." He flexed his neck and arms.

Time was irrelevant in this place and nonsensical in his lifespan, therefore he had only the suffering screams to mark time passing. He slumped down tiredly on the throne he once had built for himself; well he had at least overseen the people that actually did the sculpturing. The anger was sated, leaving nothing  but tiredness in his body and mind. "Is it possible to get a deep tissue massage around here?" He called out and demons swarmed, eager to serve their master.

Life on earth became more and more like a dream as time went by; a sweet but bitter dream where he didn't belong. He had only experienced that from the Silver City, that pesky feeling of not belonging, but this was even worse. Here he couldn't blame his Father.

The city of lost angels had become his home, a place where he could be himself, or as it turned out, at least one part of himself. He sighed. Well, that was then, this is now, he thought. Time worked different here in hell, but still he sensed it passing as his mind got numb.

Maze of course noticed the foul mood Lucifer was in; she could feel it in her marrow, just as she could feel the pleasant mood. The only thing she could do was trying to make him feel better. "We're a team, right?" Maze raised a hand in a high five, but was left hanging.

"I miss it Maze."

Maze was surprised to hear him admit it out flat. "What?" She feigned ignorance to find him silent for a good while before he answered.

"The weather, the porn stars and the Mexican food."

She knew what he missed more but carefully avoided mentioning it. She tried to come up with a perky or sarcastic comment, but his state of mind stopped her. She thought a while longer before she answered. "Linda used to say that people came to Los Angeles to reinvent themselves."

"Yes well, I like myself."

Lucifer didn't see Maze's raised brows, but he sensed them just as clear as if he had seen them but he still ignored them. "I am the King of Hell after all, and Master of all things tongue related, not to be forgotten." He smiled wide even if the sincerity faultered. All Maze needed to do was to raise her brow. Lucifer sighed. "I'm just so sick of this." A swooping gesture indicated exactly what he was fed up with.


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