13. I dont believe in God

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Amenadiel and Azrael had departed to try and find out what was going on. Something scared Lucifer and that alone was ominous, even terrifying Chloe thought. The Devil wasn't scared of anything.

Lucifer himself tried to take care of Chloe as best he could. He would not allow any harm come to her. But still he sensed that their relationship was about to change and all he could to was to enjoy the moment. "I hope you're comfortable here, Chloe," Lucifer swooped an arm to indate the housing. "At least until my siblings return with more intel."

"Of course." For some reason she felt safe in his company. That was an oxymoron, wasn't it? You are not supposed to feel safe with the devil, are you? Then on the other hand he had saved her life on several occasions and she always felt safe before she found out the truth.

However much Chloe mulled it over, Lucifer still both looked and acted pretty much the same as he had before, even if he was a little quiet in comparisation. His old flirting attempts was toned down and that glib teasing that sometimes annoyed her was now absent. Strangely enough Chloe missed it.

He offered her a seat on the couch and they sat down. They both tried to act as if everything was normal, but still they walked on eggshells around each other. Both of them cautious of the other's feeling.

"How is your offspring- sorry, Beatrice doing?"

Chloe looked at him with a troubled wrinkle between her brows. "You never ask about Trixie, what is wrong?" In a flash she needed to protect her daughter from the Devil. The next moment she chided herself for feeling that. Lucifer felt strange and it was obvious just looking at him. Chloe felt bad about the attitude. "She's fine, she's been with Dan a lot lately." She looked away, feeling ashamed.

"And how is detective Douch- I mean Dan," he corrected.

"He' still hurting, but outwards he has turned hard."

Lucifer had to bite his tongue to let that jest fall unnoticed. "I asked Cain about why he murdered Charlotte," Lucifer revealed and saw Chloe flinch. "He said she was just means to an end."

Chloe just gaped, both at the atrocity and the surprise. "He's in Hell; actual Hell? That is where you've been?"

Lucifer stopped himself before his defensive sarcasm took over. "I sensed you needed some time," he admitted to his own surprise. "I couldn't very much go to Las Vegas, now could I?"

Chloe tried to understand what he said. "You're right, I needed some time to process this whole Devil thing." She exhaled heavy. "So Marcus- I mean Cain is there?"

"Yes, in a cave cell, most fitting in my opinion due to his history of rocks."

Chloe thought about that. "He had a rock collection in his apartment."

"He killed his brother with a rock, that is without doubt the reason," Lucifer confirmed what Chloe had read. "He deserves to go to Hell, even if dad banned him to walk the earth forever."

Her eyes were wide open and she felt like an owl, doing nothing but blink. She didn't know what to answer, this was just too strange. "Forever, as in..." She had indeed googled biblelore and intelletually knew Cain was Adam and Eve's first born, but it was impossible to have actually met him. Christ, she had almost married him. She shook the thought off and Lucifer noticed.

"But on the other hand, Charlotte is safe and sound in the Silver City, Amenadiel says." He decided to talk about something other than Chloe's exes.

"Silver City," she enquired, but before Lucifer had answered she had figured out herself. "As in heaven?"

"Yes, Amenadiel took her there and she's fine he says." Lucifer had been told about Charlotte's fear of hell by his brother and he forwarded that to Chloe.

This last thing just added up to the ever growing pile of things to process for Chloe. She sat in contemplating silence while trying to reevaluate everything that she had found confused in the past. Where was a huge whiteboard when she needed one, she wondered. With a heavy exhale she chortled. "How am I ever going to grasp all of this?"

"You can start by believing what I'm telling you and stop thinking that I'm some mystery that needs to be solved." Lucifer held both a stern look for Chloe to believe, but also the glint in his eyes that she had missed. "I've told you I'm the Devil."

Chloe sighed while blinking her eyes. "You did."

"See, there's that eye roll. I missed it," Lucifer said and understood that he had perhaps revealed too much. "No one rolls their eyes at the Devil in Hell," he tried to make it sound a joke but perhaps the joke got lost. Humans tended not to joke too deep about Hell at least not with the Devil present. A shadow swooped over the infinity pool just outside and Lucifer tensed up, just to find it to be a passing cloud.

"Lucifer, there is something that is scaring you and that alone scares me," Chloe stated. "You are never scared of anything. Immortal, remember?"

Her comment put a smile on his face but it was fleeing. He gave the silent question some thought; what was scaring him? "It was just something Cain said when I was there," Lucifer admitted against his intention. "It's basically an old rumor about a vengeance."

Chloe's eyes widened, "That whoever kill Cain shall suffer sevenfold vengeance, you mean?" Lucifer was surprised to find that she knew about that. "I do have internet, you know." She pursed her lips, but then worry and curiosity took over. "What does that mean?"

"Who knows what my dad means. He is the enigmatic kind."

"I have never really believed in God."

Lucifer's eyes widened, as did his smile. "Be still my heart." He had his hand over his heart and an endearing look on his face.

Chloe couldn't help but to smile. That old spark between them had flared to life again, somehow stronger. "Call it morbid curiosity but what is hell like?"

"Well, it's Hell." He didn't really know what to answer. "It takes your own guilt and play that over you, sometimes with help of our own favourite torturer; Maze." It was hard to explain since every inhabitant there had their own personal hell, and he said as much.

Chloe simply sighed while shaking her head, it was too hard to invision, and also horrifying. Your own personal Hell, designed to be terrifying to each and every inhabitant.

"Remember that loony professor that poisoned you, he is reliving that accident again and again." Anger seeped between the words as soon as he thought about that nimtwit. "Luckily only one of us died that day."

"You died and went to hell?"

"Well, it was before I got my wings back, so what could I do. I had to kill myself." He decided not to mention the team and hardship that had taken place during her salvation. He was just about to say more about it when he noticed Chloe's facial expression changed; everything slowed down into a paus. The next moment his siblings landed on the patio. "Bloody Hell."

Amenadiel led their sister in while trying to talk sense into Lucifer. "You better get out of here Luci, father is sending his finest."

Lucifer sighed. "First of all don't call him the finest, Michael is pugnacious and insensible. Of course. Why don't you come down and slap my wrist yourself," he called irritable skywards.

"Lu, what if he goes after Chloe." Lucifer froze and instinctively turned to look at Chloe who was still frozen in the halted time. "Please cut the Devil-may-care attitude and..."

Chloe flinched as the time once again started and she found herself surrounded by angels, involved in an intense argument. "What the he-" Once again she halted before the double L's but stared at Amenadiel and Azrael. "I'm having blackouts." She looked distressed.

"Oh no, that is just Amenadiel who's slowing down time." Lucifer tried to explain, but was interrupted.

"Lucifer, go to Hell." Amenadiel looked stern and Chloe looked wide eyed at him. "Go, before he comes here, and take Chloe with you."


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