25. But why

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Chloe had been somewhat relieved when Ella called. Evidence had turned up in a cross reference of two active crimes and Ella wanted to discuss this with her. It was with a certain amount of insecurity that she left Lucifer with the two women, but just when she was heading out, Lucifer's sister Azrael had showed up in a whiff of air. Somehow Chloe felt relieved, even if she fervently claimed that she trusted Lucifer.

A lot of thoughts went through her head during her ride to the precinct. How much could her mind handle. Perhaps mindfull meditation was a tool she needed. Instead she focused on the cases Ella wanted her assistance with as she steered the car back into the garage and parked.

She was just making a short detour for the laptop in her office when she halted abruptly. By the window a man stood looking out, he turned and Chloe saw who it was.


The man looking like Earl Johnson smiled. "Hello my child, I hope you don't mind me staying here to wait for you."

Chloe pressed her brows together. "I suppose you're the kind of superior that has full disclosure," she answered with a sarcastic smile.

The man before her chuckled slightly and Chloe couldn't stop a smile from spreading on her face. "I'm not sure the procedure with unannounced visits from God, but I have to rush," Chloe excused and the man gestured for her to proceed. She grabbed her laptop and headed for the lab.

She saw her co-worker and friend through the window, leaning over the microscope. Chloe also noticed through the reflection that her male visitor was following her. A moment she thought of how to introduce the man before she knocked on the doorpost. "Hey Ella," Chloe stopped the charismatic lab tech who looked up from the evidence before her.

"Chloe, thank you for coming in, I hope I didn't interrupt something," Ella rambled and Chloe wondered what had she in fact interrupted. "Hi." With a confused expression she greeted the man next to Chloe who watched them with humour glistening in his eyes.

"This is mr Johnson, he's gonna follow me today," Chloe informed rather amazed how easy that lie came opposed to the truth. "So, what have we got here?"

"Review board, I've got it," Ella hissed, and before they knew it, they were both swept up in forensics. "So I was like wow when I found this chewing gum in the ashtray of the hit and run and the dna matched the brutal, brutal beach murder. I hate beach murders. I mean let people enjoy the beach you know." By then her voice had the usual energic intensity and while looking up at mr Johnson he nodded affirmative. "That is just mean," she continued and he nodded again.

"We'll pick the owner of that car in again for a dna sweep. Good job Ella." Chloe was not just relieved but proud that Ella had chosen this department when she left Detroit.

"Anytime Chloe, anytime," Ella said, proud for the extra compliment in front of what she thought was the review board. "I mean it's like Lucifer says; it's the guilty that needs to be found and punished, I just do the former."

God Johnson's expression changed at the comment of his son. This was a place where said son's opinions were appreciated. He wondered briefly if his own rash decition all those centuries ago might have been wrong.

Chloe helped him to stop dwelling on that. "We're gonna get a coffee, you wanna come," she asked Ella as if the decition already had been made.

"Yeah, I could use a break." Ella stretched her neck. "There's a diner around the corner," Ella revealed her favourite shak, something that reminded her of Detroit.

Chloe was surprised to find it to be her father's favourite place as well. She hadn't been there in years but was now inhaling the atmosphere that reminded her of her father and she told the others so.

"Family is so important," Ella started and gladly elaborated. "I'm glad that my father was in the picture to keep my brothers in check, and even when they're involved in not-so-legal activity." By then she realized what she had said to the one she thought was the rewiew board.

Before she got opportunity to further dig herself deeper in that hole Chloe interrupted. "Ella has an aunt who's a nun. We've had some interesting discussions about heaven and hell," she informed the almighty father. "So Ella what would you ask if you met God?"

Ella looked incredulous at Chloe. "Really?" She shook her head. "I love talking about God," she hissed. "But perhaps somewhere in private?" Discretely she tried to hide the topic from the man she didn't fully know.

"Oh, don't be shy child. We were having this interesting discussion but miss Decker didn't know what to ask," the man that looked like Earl Johnson explained and the usual energy returned to miss Lopez eyes. 

"A preacher huh, not the rewiew board?" Ella smiled. "Well I grew up with my aunt who was a nun so we have discussed the topic of the creator a lot."

Chloe listened as the two discussed inbreeding with the start of just to people to populate the earth. that was an interesting start she admitted, even though she had met both Lilith and Eve.

"What happened to create the world in a week?" Chloe was as surprised as the rest of the group. Would she get the answers she had buried deep?

"Well my child, when the universe was new it didn't have the same... lap time," he chuckled and elated his parable. "The velocity was somewhat different so when the scribes later referred to me having created earth, it was somewhat changed." That was a theory Chloe had never anticipated but was relieved to hear. "It was meeting my wife that really lit up the place," the man continued and sighed blissfully while thinking about her. "I wish she would show up on my doorstep like she did way back then." He seemed sad over loosing her.

This really put faith in a whole new perspective, Chloe thought. Where had she gone that day on the beach when she threatened everybody, Chloe wondered. She decided to ask Lucifer when they met next.

"Excuse me," Ella harrumphed with eyes suspiciously narrowed. "What about talking in first person?" Her suspicious mind was focused on their male companion. "Another method actor like Lucifer?"

Chloe was stunned to silence.

"Well actually my child, I am God."

"Mm-hmm, like I said - methodactor." Ella took a last swig of her coffee and got on her feet. "I better get back to work. Thank you."

To Chloe's surprise the girl with the bubbly personality walked silently out of there. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize my child, I suppose it was a little too much info." The face of Earl Johnson smiled patiently. "Back to your query my dear; it took more than a day for creatures to fill the sea and birds to flock the atmosphere, but since the day was so much longer, it must have been depicted that way. It takes time for species to develope. Evolution takes time."

Chloe raised her brows. "But the creation and evolution theory is opposite."

"Why?" God asked the question Chloe had many times wondered. She didn't know the answer.

"Yes, why ideed."

The question was barely airborne before the door flung open again and Ella walked back in there with a short dark haired girl they both knew.


"What are you doing?" Ella hissed with a good grip on her arm. "RaeRae." They had met just outside the door, Ella revealed later but at the moment they were all surprised to see one another.

"I'm sorry, but I need to talk to my father," Azrael walked up to the table where Chloe sat with a concerned looking God Johnson.

"Your father?" With a confused look Ella looked frantic between them.

"I'm sorry father, but there is an emergency and I need you."

"What happened?" All three uttered simultaneously.

"It's Lucifer and Michael." You need to come."


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