26. Put your trust in God

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To put her trust in God was something Chloe hadn't done before God Johnson asked her to. Ella on the other hand with all the theological discussions throughout her life had a strong faith. She was now in panic.

In a whiff of air they had been teleported to Lucifer's villa where more than one conflict raged.

Eve and Lilith were at each other's throats and on the open area of the patio the two brothers were in battle, swords swinging.

Ella was frantically looking around to get a grip on the new surroundings, and Chloe did her best to support her friend and co-worker while keeping an eye on the chaos around. Not a word came from the usually chatty friend, but the white in her eyes was quite visible. Eggshell was also the hue of her face. Eventually her knees buckled and she fell in a heap on the floor.

"Oh well," Chloe sighed. "You can't expect her to handle it better than the rest of us."

"We better get her to the couch," God Johnson said and heaved Ella up in his arms. She was a lightweight and he was... well... God.

"I think you better calm the fighting brothers," Azrael reminded him with an agitated voice and a stern look. Chloe hurried after the two to take care of Ella who was placed on the couch.

"There's time, they've been at each other's throat since the beginning of time."

Chloe raised her brows in surprise. She had seen the two brothers fight and it was a frightening thing, she had want them to stop that instant. Instead, now she hurried to find a towel to damp and dab Ella's forehead with, all but ignoring the fight.

The father of all walked like a man from Texas out to the patio, while Chloe focused on Ella who was tranquil in a way Chloe had never seen before. Arguments on the patio drew her attention though. Lucifer and Michael were bickering, wings out but not used to push each other like Chloe had seen last time the two were at each other's throats. She managed to get bits of their conversation as their fight subdued.

"Stop this," their father ordered.

"Not you again," Lucifer showed his irritation with every muscle in his body. "Who snitched on us this time?"

"Who is this?" Michael was irritated for the interruption, but had never seen this visage of their father. "And why do you listen to him?"

"Would I listen to the greatest judge of all," Lucifer huffed indignant.

"I thought it would help to put some distance between the two of you," their father said with a tired tone of voice. "But here you are again."

"I bet it was Metatron, he is the biggest blabbermouth of them all, always running to father with his notepad." At this Lucifer actually motioned airqoutes with his fingers, something Chloe had never seen him do.

"Father," Michael gasped and immediately bowed down with one knee on the stone covered patio floor.

Ella who started to stir gave a surprised Chloe something else to focus on. "Would you two please shut up," she growled at Lilith and Eve who were once again bickering. "Hi sweetie," she said to the friend who now looked up at her. "Are you okay?"

Ella groaned and sat up. "What happened?" Her usually upbeat personality had momentarily vanished.

"You got more and more pale, and then you passed out so we took you here." It wasn't a lie, they had taken her to the couch. She ignored the teleport to this house.

"How are you?" RaeRae took a seat next to Ella who was startled to see her and looked around.

"We got worried," Chloe added.

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