21. Oh Em Gee

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After the dodge in San Diego that Chloe was far from proud of they had hidden in their hotel room only having room service, which hadn't been a bad idea at all.

On the last day of the conference they snuck into the room late, sat in the back where they tried their best to absorb the information despite their worry of being caught by an old friend.

"Oh em gee, I'm glad we're getting out of here," Chloe hissed and was met with a frown from her partner.

"Do you have to bring him up?"

Chloe looked bemused at him until she until she understood what he was referring to. "Jeeze, you have to get over that Oedipus complex."

"Oedipus," Lucifer huffed, clearly offended. "First you call my mother an old ex and now you suggest..." He visibly shook in disgust. "That is just wrong Chloe."

Chloe snickered. "I didn't mean that," she hissed filled with humour. "But you're clearly walking in the shadow of your father."

He widened his eyes at the obvious fact of that statement and Chloe held her hands up in defeat. His father was omnipotent after all. "He do cast rather a big shadow," Lucifer muttered and to his surprise he heard Chloe snicker. He was quite baffled over the way she could make everything feel so much brighter.

While she focused on the educational part of the trip, Lucifer indulged in memories of the previous night. They had certainly enjoyed the evening in privacy. He glanced at her; she was not a woman that dressed exclusively to flaunt her assets and Lucifer suddenly wondered why that was the archetype he had been attracted to during his earlier years on earth. Chloe was the exact opposite of them.

Lucifer was still baffled by her trust in him. 'She knows I'm the Devil,' he thought to himself, and still she saw good in him. Perhaps he could take a leap of faith himself and believe in her opinion. She was after all an intelligent woman when it came to other cases. Could he really see good in himself?

"What are you pondering about," Chloe whispered. "Is it the Oedipus complex again," she teased.

"Eww," he complained and once again an uncomfortable shiver went through him. "Oh Em Gee."

~ ~ ~

Chloe who was listening to Ella explaining how one clue prompted another back in the precinct, wasn't certain what it was that made her look up towards the stairs at that particular moment, but she did. In the contrasting light from the windows it looked like the man shone like with a halo. Chloe had only met the man once, but would never forget his name. She left her co-worker and walked up to him. "Mr Johnsson? What are you doing in LA," Chloe asked but before he could answer Lucifer was by her side.

"Hello son."

"Dad? You're back?" Lucifer had immediately recognized the lack of southern accent that was mr Johnsson's usual modus operandus.

"Well you have been asking for my presence for some time now." The man who wasn't exactly Earl Johnsson looked at his son.

Chloe watched the two men with huge eyes. This was not only the Devil, but also God. She looked around to search for any attention they may have attracted.

"Are you violating poor mr Johnsson again?" Lucifer narrowed his eyes at his father.

"Perhaps we should take this conversation elsewhere?" Chloe suggested breathless. She was intimidated and or impressed in the presence of divinity but switched into detective-mode and treated this as such. With motioning her neck she suggested the conference room which was free. With suspicious expressions she guided the men in there and closed the glass door behind the three of them.

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