8. Angelic intervention

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Written by VeGirl 2018

"I thought it was time for me to intervene." Amenadiel was faced by two raging siblings. "To reveal that kind of divinity to humans is not safe."

"Oh come on!" Lucifer felt very uncharacteristic in his expression. "Chloe have already seen my true face, but you, little sister, should perhaps stop meddling like this. We don't need angelic intervention like this." His eyes were black but the little sister had seen that before, even if they hadn't hung around each other in eons. "Bloody hell." Lucifer raked a hand through his hair in another uncharacteristic motion.

Amenadiel noticed the changes and wondered what was wrong, but Azrael who didn't really know if this was new phrases her favorite brother had picked up among the humans kept going. "I have never said anything earlier," she defended herself. "Ella and me-"

"Ella and I," Amenadiel corrected.

Lucifer glared at him. "What the hell are you on about?"

"I've known Ella a long time, human time," she corrected and ignored Amenadiel's comment, "and I have never said anything about angels. Even if a guardian angel might have been a better explanation," she muttered to herself. She had actually been startled when the girl had seen her all those years ago. The angel of death didn't really have someone to hang with so that had been a pause in the reality that was hers.

Amenadiel and Lucifer's argument snapped the little sister back.

"And why are you hiding like a coward now?"

"A coward?" Lucifer all but yelled enraged and made a lunge at his brother. "You've wanted me back in hell since you've got here."

"Stop it!" Azrael yelled, making both brothers freeze. "I can't stand to see you fight."

"Fight is what we do, little sister," Lucifer snapped.

"Well, then stop!"

Not more than a moment of stillness passed until Lucifer was on the defense again. "Why is everyone trying to manipulate me?"

"For dad's sake Lu; you are miserable, and so is she, Chloe." That might have been the one thing that caught his attention. "I can't stand to see my favorite people miserable, don't you remember that Lu?"

"Well, it's been eons."

"You never forget anything."

"You don't," Amenadiel agreed, to anything but Lucifer's delight.

Despite the offended look on the eldest brother's face, he couldn't argue. He had an excellent memory even if somewhat biased to his own opinion. The only one he could never be selfish with was Chloe, he realized. He turned away from his siblings, certain they would see the longing he harbored for Chloe and he was determined not to give them that satisfaction. He wished for them to be in his penthouse, or frankly anywhere with a bar. Here the three of them stood in an alley, arguing. He turned on his heel and walked out of there.

For some strange reason, Fletchers was the bar around the corner. After a moment's hesitation he stepped inside and walked up to the bar. Candy who had squatted to fetch a bottle of rum below the bar stood up to both of their surprise. They flinched.

"Where have you been," Candy scolded.

"In hell," he answered honest as always.

"Yeah? I'm surprised you didn't meet Chloe there. She's been in hell as well; she sure looks like it," Candy added. "What did you do to her? She looks like you scared the hell out of her."

Lucifer paused for a moments exhale. "I did."

"So, that's why you've been hiding like a coward?"

Rage filled him and he was about to lash out when she swiftly jumped up, hanging with her stomach on the counter, slapping him on the chest before returning with her feet on the ground behind the bar again. "She's missing you."

All the built up rage simply disappeared, leaving him surprised and frankly even perplex. Who would miss the Devil if he disappeared? He looked at her, utterly surprised.

"You need to get back to LA and fix this, mister. Didn't I tell you that last time I saw you?"

~ ~ ~

Candy was the reason Lucifer got back to LA instead of returning to hell. Perhaps not Candy per se, but her opinion on Chloe's feelings for him.

Lux had been excellently managed during his time away, but the penthouse was utterly empty. How long time had really passed here on earth, Lucifer wondered while he aired out his home here up in the sky. Usually Maze would have arranged for someone to fix this; to ready the quarters for them, but she had remained in hell while Lucifer had abruptly vanished with his little sister. All he could do was call someone to fetch his furniture from the storage.

The feelings within Lucifer were mixed as he strolled around the penthouse putting things in order. Expectation was the prominent one though and in some way Lucifer delighted in his solitude. He poured himself a drink and sat down by his grand piano. Carefully he lifted the lid and stroked the keys as if they were a dear old friend's cheek.

There wasn't a smile on the face of the Devil, but there was peace in his mind.

~ ~ ~

It was a coincident however much Lucifer wanted to take credit for their next meet cute just a few days later. Suddenly Chloe was walking toward him on the sidewalk again.

"Lucifer." Chloe froze midstep, not aware that she had spoken his name out loud.

Lucifer stopped as well, "Detective." He pretended that he wasn't affected by her presence, the same way he had done earlier. "Long time no see."

"Yes, it's been a very long time." She did her best to get color on her pale cheeks again. "How- how are you?" She was determined to keep the conversation flowing. There's nothing like a satisfying conversation with the Devil.

"I am splendid, as usual." Even if he mostly avoided direct eye contact, he winked and gave one of those charming smiles as if nothing had happened. On the other hand, nothing much had happened, Chloe thought. Lucifer had always known that he was the

She was the one whose conception of the world had changed.


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