Chapter Seven

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After our adventure at Dex's, his sister literally kicked me and Colin out. Her leg came in contact with both of our butts in the process.

So since I am a lazy shit, I was not going to walk home. So it was mutually agreed that Colin was going to drop me off at my place in his car. Turns out, Colin doesn't know the meaning of 'my' house. Because when the car came to a halt I was outside Colin's place.

"This certainly doesn't look like my house Colin." I turned to him sharply.

"You said my house."

"Yes and this is not my house."

"But it is my house."

"You really need to spend more time with our English teacher."

"Oh, trust me, I have spent plenty hours with her in her classroom." He smirks.

"Okay, now I am just picturing you two banging on the desk." I make a disgusted face before something hits me.

"Please do not tell me you did it on the student's desks!" I turn to him with panic in my voice.

"Well.." He trails off giving me my answer. I look back at all the English classes I've spent drooling on those desks.

"Thanks for ruining my sleeping time idiot!" I grunt and because I'm supposed to be mad at him I open the car door and get out. I shut the door back with a bang. But then I realize I'm still at his place and now I just look like an idiot. I frown.

"Aww, don't be sad. I have something that'll cheer you up." Colin says as he gets out the car and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

I go along with him into the house against my better judgement.

As we step in the aroma of delicious food hits me. There's an automatic smile on my face.

"Welcome back home, I made you some- Oh please don't tell me this is another one of your lady friends." An older lady, maybe his mom, makes a disgusted face as she sets her gaze upon me.

"Mom!" Colin hisses.

"What, I am tired of all these shameless little sluts opening their legs like automatic doors."

"Hello Mrs Everett. I'm afraid you've got it wrong. He couldn't get me in bed even if he wanted to." I pass her an amused smile.

"What are you doing here?" There's a manly voice coming from behind me. I turn around to face Carter.

"Your brother dragged me. Kidnapped, actually." I reply bluntly.

"You know her?" His mom asks him.

"Of course I do. She's Clar's sister." He says as if he's disgusted by me too.

"Oh. Well then come on in darling, I've just made a batch of pancakes."

"That was a quick change of heart." Colin mutters slowly.

"She loves Clar like she's her own flesh and blood." Carter sighs.

"Does she now?" I say as a small smirk takes over my face.

"Oh god no. You're like a complete copy of your sister. She had that same evil look when she realized mom likes her." Carter sighs again.

"Sure Mrs. Everett. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh honey, please call me Greta."

"Of course. Clar tells me you make amazing pancakes. I've been wanting to try them for a long time now."

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