Chapter Twenty Three

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The whole day had gone by in hearing gossips about me, Colton, Colin, Seth and Nate. Some even thought that the mystery guy in the video was my sugar daddy. Some thought he was Clar's boyfriend. Some thought he was the father of Clar's baby. Some thought he was the father of my baby. It was crazy. But the real drama started when school got over.

We were all there. The whole school. Colin and Seth were again in a fake fight. And that's when Stacy drove in with Colton. She had sneaked out earlier to grab him. Colton seemed annoyed. Not mad, not scared, just annoyed. Which was new for a Stacy victim. They were usually ready to pee their pants once Stacy was done with them.

"What the fuck is going on Val?" Colton stomped towards me as soon as he got out of Stacy's ride.

"Hey back off!" Colin came in front to protect me.

"You're still protecting her? After all that she did to you?" He looks frustratedly at Colin.

"I think Stacy's torture treatment had a side effect on your brain. Val didn't do anything to me." Colin mocks him.

"He doesn't know does he?" Colton stares at me and laughs mirthlessly.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I deny.

"Do you know who she was with when she came to the cafe yesterday?" Colton asked Colin.

"He's a friend. I trust her."

"Well you shouldn't. You're repeating his mistakes all over again. She's gonna do exactly what she did the last time. The only thing is, he was able to get away before she could destroy him completely. You? She's gonna shatter you into pieces and then laugh about it over a drink with Carrie. Because that's what she does. Isn't that right Val?" Colton looked straight at me. And I felt a strange sense of fear while staring back at him.

"That's how Val plays. She smiles. She acts. She loves. And then one mistake. One wrong word. One wrong action. One misunderstanding and she hates and hates and hates. She hates till she gets revenge. She breaks you apart. Piece by piece. And if she can't do that, she'll drive you away. She'll lie. She'll pretend. She'll fake. And then when she's finally gotten what she wants, she'll walk over you and laugh about it with Carrie over a drink." He glares at me. And I see so much hatred, it scares me. Colton never hated me. Never. Even when I was falling in love with his cousin he didn't hate me. Even when his cousin left he didn't hate me. He was always there. Protecting me. We tried dating, it didn't work but he didn't hate me. He never hated me.

Before I could ask him why he was hating me now, Nate's car showed up.

And somehow it felt that the act wasn't an act anymore. 

Nate walked out of his car with aviators and came towards me.

"I've come to pick you up. Let's grab lunch together." He smiles a charming smile. Everyone is watching. Holding in their breath. Who is this guy? He's so hot. Isn't he the one in the video? Is Val cheating? What is happening?

"Sorry, she has plans with me. You can take Carrie. No one wants her." Colin pushes Carrie forwards and pulls me back. 

"Hey!" Carrie protests.

"I don't mind taking Carrie. But I was talking to Val, not you. Let the lady answer." Nate smiles calmly. Look at him. Acting so mature.

"Val? Only her friends call her Val. You have no right." Seth protests too.

"Val? Lets go." Nate ignores Seth and Colin and grabs my hand. Ready to take me to his car. Colin stops it in the middle.

"Hands off her."

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