Chapter Twenty Four

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"Have you got any plans tonight?" Nate asked me over the phone.

"Not really, why?" I reply as I and Colton go over the take out menus.

"Great, I'll be at your house in 2. Be ready." He's about to hang up when I yell.

"I'm not at my house. Umm, can you drive over to Colton's? I'll text you the address. Its not that far." I tell him nervously. Will he be mad that I am at Colton's?

"Why are you at Colton's at this hour? Are you okay?" He sounded worried more than annoyed. I sighed in relief.

"Yeah, I'm chill. I'll explain later. See you soon." And I hang up.

"Who was that?"

"Nate." I avoid his eyes and text Nate the address.

Colton gave me a pointed look.

"What? He wants to take me out, I can't say no to him, he's my fiance."

"Shut up. You can't bullshit me Val. Why are you obeying his every command? Is he blackmailing you?"Colton softens his cold gaze.

"God no! It's nothing like that! In fact, the only blackmailing that was involved was from my side." I explain.

"Then why are you being so sweet and obedient?"

"What's wrong with me being sweet and obedient?"

"When you were dating Mike you were always pissy, whenever he asked you out for a movie and stuff. Why does this Nate guy get special treatment from my cousin?"

"Because Colton, I was never engaged to Mike."

Colton scoffs but before he could open his mouth again, the doorbell rang. In order to avoid whatever insult Colton was coming up with, I rushed to the door. I opened it to come face to face with a panicked Nate. However, once his eyes took in my appearance, his worry converted to fury real quick. And I totally understand why. 

Ok so maybe I wasn't in the appropriate outfit to be hanging at my ex-boyfriend's house at 11 at night. Plus my hair was messy from the pillow fight I just had with Colton. I know how this looks to a third person. I look down at my clothes and cringe a little. No wonder he's pissed.

"Val." He clenched his teeth, "Get in the car."

"I'll just grab my pho-"

"No need." He objected abruptly, "I'll fetch it for you. You, in the car. Now." His stern voice erased any protests I had in my mind. I quickly left, without even turning around to say goodbye to Colton. Like a robot, I walked to his car and quickly got in the passenger seat.

It had been 2 minutes and 47 seconds since I was sitting in the car, and Nate still hadn't come. "Please don't fight." I muttered to myself.

"Aww. Are you worried?" Somebody spoke from the backseat. For a second I thought it was Nate. Then I realized that Nate was still inside. So who was- I screamed. But before anyone could hear me, the boy in the backseat pressed his palm against my mouth. I struggled against his grip. I patted the seat near me in search of my phone. 

Great, Nate's gone to fetch it. Now I just have to rely on my non-existent survival skills. 

With all the strength in me, I bit the hand. The boy hissed and jerked his hand back. As quick as I could, I opened the car door and rushed inside the house. Seeing that I wasn't actually watching my step (what with me being chased by a psychopathic serial killer and all) I bumped into someone. I looked up to see it was Nate.

"What's wrong?" He asked gently when he saw my horrified expression.

"There's someone, I was being, I think, I was being kidnapped." I wheezed.

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