The two factions

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Cold air rushed into my lungs. My body jolted up, I scanned my surrounding, the dead trees around me were charred, I could feel the heat emitting from them.I slowly realised I was in a black creator Which held no life beside me in the centre of this circle of death. I thought to my self did I do this. Where am I "you are in purgatory " the voice behind the tree beckoned "how did I get here ain't I supposed to be in the void? " I asked but as I finished my sentence a figure charged out of the trees into the creator but it wasn't running it was flying, two black wings crashed into me at the speed of sound, I felt arms ramp around me as I lifted out of creator through a tree and launched into another as the angel let go. I pushed my self of the tree with cracks from every bone as I placed my feet on the ground. the angel floated there with black wings then i realised he was a demon as i saw the symbols carved on to his chest and i could see he was one of the vault demons,"you shouldn't be here seth" the demon said in a curious tone  but before i could  reply i noticed my sword in it scabbard strapped intween the two black voids that where his wings then it disapared as the demon lunged at me a short sword that i doged by a hair fracuter, i bearly regained my balance before he attacked again but this time i wasnt caught of my guard, as he lunged again shifted my body out the way and shoved my elbow in to the back of his neck, grabbed my sword and watched as the demon crashed to the ground but he quickly got back up and made some space between us "so it is you, not even an vault angel could take it out of its hidy hole" the demon said almost smiling  "im dead then,seeing as the vault keepers are taking my weapons to the vault, i feel so special" i said as i prepaird for another loung but the demon didn't he, " i don't know why your here, you could be dead or your soul was going through the voids and every side wanted a piece of you,not shore why , but you seemed dead so the vault keepers took your weapons, i took a step forward and the demon pulled out a black and silver revolver ,my revolver, but i just smiled "you realise that you cant use that right read the symbols, it will use your power against me but killing you in the prosses" i said as i took another step, he took a moment and looked at me as he was trying to figure out if i was being serious,but he didn't take the chance and dropped my gun and pulled up his sword fight,"to be honest i don't care about bounty i just want to see if you can hold up your own againiest a vault keeper" after saying this he shorted the gap between us in a blink of an eye , i quickly raised my blade to block his blade but it wasnt just his blade that was coming after me it was his wings,each feather where like steel daggers as they sliced my arm. i grabbed one of the wings  that was closest to my open hand and pulled it away to pull him off balance and as he lost his balance i knocked his blade away from me,before the angel coul get his footing he attacked again, as he missed i grabbed his wing again and pulled him closer, as he got close enough i broke his leg with my foot and as the angel went down i stood over him with my blade to the back of his bald head "im giving you a chance to leave as i know there isn't many of your kind left so you can leave" i said as i took my scabbard of his wings  " you didn't really put up a fight seth, from what I've heard your warrior" the demon said as he stood up from the dirt " im not like that anymore i kil things that need to be killed "so you don't think i deserve to die,dam i thought i was worth more than that" the angel said as he turn around and thrusted his blade in to my chest for a second it went silent and you could hear a twig drop, but then the demon broke the silence with a whisper in my ear"you are not worth anyones time espeshilly demon kind" i smiled as i put my hand on his neck "i told you i wasnt like that anymore not that them story aren't true"as i said this i slid my blade through him, as my blade went through i felt his body start to shake and his symbols started to glow "i will see you in the void" i said as he screamed through the pain, i pulled out my sword after he went limp and he dropped like a sack of potatoes, his symbols let of small waves of heat but the most noseable thing was the black crators where his eyes where. i walke dover to get my gun but i couldn't remember where he threw it in till i saw another winged mother fucker picking up my gun so i started to move a bit quicker but as i got near i noticed the buetiful angel that was looking back at me holding my gun towards me " i believe this is yours" the angel said for a second i didn't noticed her talking to me because i was dumbfounded by how stunning this angel is with her emraled green eyes , her poppy red hair and crimson wings "im sorry i didn't help in the battle i just don't want the angels and demons realising i going against there derect orders" that's when i started to listen what do you mean going against orders?" i asked " the angels and demons saw your soul was traveling through the void and are you going to take your gun seth" for some reason when she said my name it made me feel happy, what the fuck why am i feeling this way. i finally took my gun from her gorgeous hands, i noticed one of her wings looked broke "was you battleing something on the way down" i pointed at her wing "oh no it was from the crash i was holding on to you" she blushed as she said this it sparked a smile for me "why did you hold on to me do we know each other?" i asked she didn't say anything for a moment but after a second she said "i believe what you stand for and i believe in helping people in need and angels and demons don't need any help" her voices sounded strong and determand "well its nice to meet you?"  i said "aires " beautiful name i said in my head, to be honest i got distracted from everything else that i didn't even notice that we had started to walk in to the woods and i didn't even mind  .

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