A new trust with an old foe

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We stomped through the woods silently as we headed towards the village of werewolves, I could feel Axils fear pouring out of him.

"You know I'm gonna be okay right?" I said breaking the silence he let out a deep sigh,

"I know but what if things go wrong Seth, Aries is to weak to fight and I dont think me and you can take on a whole pack of werewolves" he replied. 

"Hey what makes you think I can't take on a whole pack of werewolves huh?" I said in a rhetorical tone as I lifted my arm, flexed my muscle and pulled a stupid face as I tried to cheer him up, he looked at me and smiled. We started to climb a hill when Axil turned to me and said,

"over this hill is the village and this is usually where I scout out to see whos running the pack" I looked at him confused "oh there are two alphas here the father and the son both first generation of the the origanal black alpha."

I sighed and said "great, stubborn and angry wolves this is gonna go so well" I said as we reached the top of the hill. It was beautiful, buildings full of life as lights shifted through windows, the people were surrounding the fires talking and laughing I thought nothing could be happy here but I guess when theirs people there will always be happiness,

"you look shocked Seth" Axil said as I stared at the beautiful sight

"I just ... " I slowly turned to him "nothing dont worry just didn't think people could do somthing like this here" we went silent as we watched the village, after a while I took a deep breath and started my descent down the hill, Axil didn't say a single word as I walked away. What the fuck am I thinking, am i going to be able to kill theses people if things go wrong then a single monotone voice broke though my thoughts

"we shall see Seth".

I carried on moving blocking out anything else he would say. I felt tension rise as people surrounded me when I entered the village, faces of children, women and men all staring at me with curious eyes, they started to circle me and sniff the air, then the crowd stopped and parted to make a pathway for a tall african american man. He stood out from the rest of them from his white suit to his red piercing eyes that seemed to watch my every move when he approached me "I dont want to cause any trouble, I just want refuge for a couple of days for me and my friends" I said as the man hovered around me sniffing my scent in till suddenly he stopped and gave me a dirty look

"we do not let creatures like you around here " I looked at him confused.

"what do you mean creature we're all monsters here surely you can take us in for a day or so" he smirked and laughed

"monsters are pure unlike you, disgusting little thugs hybrids, just because you have multiple powers doesn't mean that you're not vermin" I let out a deep breath and just responded

"okay then I will just go then". I started to walk towards where the man had entered but the circle of people closed the gap and the man stood infront of me

"I'm afriad that isn't gonna happen" I turned and ignored him but there were people all around me,"I don't think you understand little rodent" the sound of flesh and bones shifting and streching echoed through the air, I knew what was about to happen

"I dont want any trouble okay, I will leave and you won't see me again" I know that just going to fall on deaf ears, as I turned around I felt razor sharp claws rip through my flesh "Fuck!" I shout as jumped out of the way, I turned to see the man but he was diffrent his arms on his suit where shredded as two large werewolf arms replaced them, the wounds burnt as they healed "okay im gonna let that one go, as I don't want to fight" I said as I tried to use the signal but it wasnt working,

"were you hoping for help Seth?" a familiar voice echoed as a tall black knight started to appear out of nowhere I tried to block him out but I couldn't as the werewolf launched at me. I wasnt quick enough, he mounted me and sunk his claws into my flesh, I was taken to the ground, I could barely feel the pain as anger over took me then everyting stopped. He approached me and with each step I could feel myself loosing control

"don't worry Seth I'm here to help" Deathstrider said before everything went black.

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