The daughters friend

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I woke up to the sounds of leafs crunching in the woods .axil was still asleep on the bench ,I would think he's dead but the dribble coming out of his open mouth tells me other wise . I tried to get up but quickly realised aires had her arms wrapped around my lower torso and he head buried in to my chest , it was adorable and felt so calming but I had to check out what this noise was .i slowly moved her off of me and put my blanket over her so she didn't get cold ,I picked up my sword from next to airies then I walked to the I crept through the woods the sounds of growling echoes off of the trees.there was a light through the trees, as I neared i hid behind a trees and looked in to the camp and saw three figures ,one looked like a man sitting there cooking a small lizard of the campfire ,the other figures where creatures they where werewolf's .i pulled out my sword but as I stepped out my foot tugged on something then an arrow went straight through my right arm ,i dropped my sword .the werewolf must of heard me drop it or smelled my blood because in a heart beat I had five razor sharp claws going for my face but I drived backwards just in time vigorously looked for my swords as the wolf kept lunging at me in till he stopped right above it I raised my right arm as my hand turn red it turned back to normal .i was confused then I saw is the arrow had a green substance covering it ." Yes it is muting your Powers witch " a voice shouted sounded like it came from the camp I looked at the were wolf and he stepped in to the light that was braking through the trees ,at first I thought he wore a skull as a mask but as I stared at it ,he opened his mouth and there was just darkness in there no teeth that wasn't on the skull but he walked back in to the camp and left me in the woods .i ripped out the arrow and set it on fire which is difficult when your powers are on a break .i walked in to the camp .i pulled the arrow out of my arm and felt my powers flow through me .as I looked at the campfire there he was a man he stood tall atleast 7 feet tall wearing old armour with Geeks symbols carved in to it . The biggest symbol sat on his chest piece, right in the centre was a tree that was on fire,it wasn't a Greek spell it was a symbol of what he is ."sorcerer" I murmured to myself " that is what I am " he said as he stepped towards me ,I pulled my sword out " stand down Seth Ima friend " he said as he stopped in his tracks.i lowered my sword but still held it at the ready." How do u know my name "  I said ,he didn't reply for a moment " you daughter told me" he said this while he stroked his long dirty blonde hair . I rushed him and tackled him I didn't care about he wierd werewolf's I needed to know how he knew my daughter " how do u know my daughter " I shouted in his face while I had my sword on his neck and had my body weight on him " I said tell me" I shouted again his Adam's apple pushed my sword up as he swallowed " i...I know her ...because " I got off of him and pulled him up off the dirt " thank you " he said ass he whipped the dirt of of his ass cheek armour piece "now I said tell me " I said as I raised my sword " okay okay well when you would go out hunting she would and ..." I interrupted him " she what " he stepped back as my arms set on firer but I could hear a voice in my head " dad ,please he protected me " my daughters voice echoed and then silence I looked at him " you protected her when she was out hunting " I said and he nodded as he said "Yh I did ,I tried my hardest to " a thought went through my mind but I didn't want to know just yet if he was there or not " I have somthing for you " he said as I lowered my sword "here",he pulled of a belt holster but as he did I saw it .it was my belt holster and it had a gun in side one of the two holsters " thank you " I said as I took the belt " it is okay I know how important it is to you "he said then went silent for a moment then spoke again " a demon had it he used it but as he did he dropped to the floor and the gun lighted up and left him as a pile of ashes " he stopped again and swallowed " I guess the roomers where true the might gun of the death strider could take your life and take it for its self " i just smiled and said " I guess"

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