The horror show

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Screams echoed in the dark abyss as I layed there paralysed, I couldn't help but feel worthless but all of a sudden as clear as day a voice pierced through the screaming

"you're stronger than this Seth where is your strength". I stayed laying there knowing that it was just Deathstrider messing with me but then I felt a warm hand grab me by the collar, I tried to look at them but I still couldn't move but as I reached his face I knew it wasn't Deathstrider. His glowing gold eyes were the only thing that tore us apart,

"who are you?" I asked

"that doesn't matter you need to not let Deathstrider consume you or it will be the end of everything you know and love" he replied, I had so many questions but as I was about to ask I felt his hand gently caress my face as he said "dont follow the smoke". Everything went white as images of the people I loved started to flick through my mind...then her face appeared. The werewolves were gone when I opened my eyes, blood coated the wooden walls of the houses around me, pools of blood and black ooze coated the ground,

"how long was I out" I mumbled to myself. I just stood there and couldn't believe what I had done,

"Seth!" Axil shouted "are you okay?" I turned to see him and Aries sprinting down the hill but as they did I felt a shaky hand wrap around my ankle, I looked down to see what was left of the alpha. A trail of intestines and blood with whatever else that was left of the alpha dragged and spluttered his way towards me, his bottom half was completely gone and the rest of him looked like it had been through a blender, I couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. I kneeled down to him as he tried to speak

"y-you... you m-mo" he started to speak but before he could finish his sentence he started to cough up blood

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to go like this" I said.

I felt his grip loosen on my leg.

"you're a monster" he said through clenched teeth with his last breath. 'How did I do this?' I thought to myself as a tear slithered down my cheek,

"Seth are you okay?" Axil asked as he placed his hand on me, I wanted to rip it off of me and push him away but I held back

"I'm fine" I said as I stood up and wiped away the tear.

"Aries rushed here after I used the symbol, how come you didn't use it?" he asked as I looked down at my blood soaked palms

"I'm not sure but everything is okay now " I said as I stood motionless surrounded by the devastation that had been created by my hands. I looked up at axil, to see the pure fear in his eyes. did he know that I was lying ? there is no possible way for him to know about Deathstrider, is there? I didn't think on it to hard because when I looked at Aires I saw the worry in her eyes as she rushed over to me and wrapped her self around me which shocked me a bit but I just held her as she whispered in my ears "Seth don't leave us", I don't know why but her words dug deep like a drill hitting oil and I just pulled her  tighter . We held each other for so long that I  almost forgot that we were standing in a pool werewolf blood and guts but when I let her go reality had settled right back in as I realised my cloths where covered in blood and so was Aires now.   We started to head to the centre of the village where I thought the gore would have stopped but we I was wrong as the building were painted in blood and fur, dread over whelmed me, as visons of monsters begging for there life as my blade sliced through them, children screams echoed through my head as there parents lives faded right in front of there eyes but the worse part was when we reached the centre of the village a single tree stood tall over every building  standing like a god who had been defiled. Heads, decorated it like a Christmas tree,  at the end of each huge branch was a head frozen in fear. We all just stopped and stared at it in horror. Aires grabbed me and held me again this time placing my head on her boobs which pulled me out of trance.

"its okay" she whispered and kissed my head. We looked for somewhere where we could rest as I didn't want disrespect any of the homes of the wolves, as we walked through the silent village Axil walked right next to me and started to whisper

"How could you do in such a short time?" axil muttered under his breath, but I stayed silent in till Aires let go.

"I don't know  " I replied with a shaky tone, even though I did know. He cant know about Deathstrider or he will leave.

"I  didn't know you could do this " everything went silent for a moment but he broke the silence "it was like a sea of darkness poured out of you, then I didn't see anything just heard there screams " he looked down in horror "but then as the darkness faded , I saw they tried to run but as then a dark figure rushed out and cut them down" as he described it to me I could recall it though my own eyes, I'm glad he didn't see everything and worst of all my sinister laugh, I can't let him take over again I have to protect them.

"Hey there's a clearing" Aires pointed out, it wasn't long in till we had set up all of our stuff and had a fire burning ."We will stay here to rest till we can figure out what to do next" we all agreed.

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