The mosters woods

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Night seemed to fall behind the dead hollow trees.the shadows shifted as figures seemed to  haught us as we stumbled over the dead tree roots. Aires limp body felt so light in my arms even tho i was exhausted from the fight but i needed to get her away from here she was two weak to fight another pack of wildlings ,i walked for what seemed for hours as aires blood soaked my shirt . we needed a place and quick ,i tripped as one of the roots wrapped around my ankle "fuck i shouted as i watched aires body hit the dirt,she seemed to curl in to my arms like a child as i picked her up . the trees disappeared as walls surrounded us, "what the fuck i muttered"as i looked around. nearly comply empty presides a single hospital operating table with a teguise sheet almost imac late stainless steel but as i approached i noticed the blood that was dripping from the sheet and splashing to the reflective legs . as i reached the table i heard a doctor's voice which was familiar to me "neither of them made it Seth your daughter drained your wifes powers and her life to stay alive but it wasn't enough, im sorry" didn't lift my eyes off the table in till i heard my own voice echo " im sorry grey" a single tear fell hugged my cheek as the hospital room faded back to dead trees and darkness. i noticed a hilltop in the distances so i started to move quickly hoping i don't trip again .we reached the hill quickly and even tho it wasn't much of a hill it was still better to have the high ground especially since monsters lurk behind every tree as i carried her to the top of the hill i came to realise something may have had the same idea of us so i put aires over my shoulder and pulled out my sword out of its health as i did so i lost my balance ,i quickly shoved the sword in the ground . i was able to gain my balance quickly even after i took the sword out . we reached the top of the hill and i relif relaxed my body as there was nothing up here prides a chard fallen tree, i laid aires down by the base of the tree , a puddle of crimson quickly formed around her , i couldn't tell where the blood was coming from so i did the only thing i could do, i wrapped my self around her as black feathers surrounded us "im sorry this is gonna hurt" i whispered in to her ears. the feathers tips started to glow a bright gold,as the light consumed us her screams filled the air.i don't know how much time had past but she still layed there unconscious, i couldnt fully heal her but the bleeding had stopped which was the main thing   ,she started to shiver so I used my red flannel shirt blanket as i bandage up her wounded wings ,she winced in her sleep but she stayed knocked out ,when I was done the sound of rustling leafs echoed in the distance .

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