Hold memorys of the past

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I opened my eyed to a endless pit of shadow,that seemed to consume the light of the out side world .i thought to my self how did I get here.i tried to remember but the shadows seemed to vibrate and shift and then I felt a sharp pain in my chest so I looked down and saw a amazingly shiny black knight amour "hello Seth you missed me?" I knew that voice so familiar "you remember me don't you?your old buddy death strider " I knew it was him,I didnt day a word " your more powerful than the last time I talked to you,hmm maybe it's that rush of feeding on deaths power or the link of all your powers I don't know but I like it " he said as I tried to block him out the more I tried to block him out the more and more the darkness seemed to shift in till I closed my eyes.i opened them to a bueatiful garden that I remember ,I looked at my cloths and they where my old Viking armour,"remember this garden" I whispered to my self " of course you do it's the garden of peace that you and essra made" a familiar voice said from behind me ,as they grabbed my shoulder I turned to see one of the greatest hunters I had ever met Malik a man similar to me "he—" I hugged him "dam it's been along fucking time I've seen you" I said as I hugged him but he seemed confused "what do you mean you saw me this morning you where with your wife "sorry must of forgot you know me" I said I let go of him "ah that's alright, well I just came over to say hi I noticed this morning that you were a bit off" he said in reply " no sorry just extremely tired don't worry I'm really good now"I said " alright,try and remember we have to meet tonight about the werewolf situation" he said as he walked off,was the rest of my life a lie a day dream damm but that thought was shut down quickly by my own voice " so this is the place you go when somthing is trying to get in to your brain or your about to die ,intresting" I turned around to a tall shiny black knight armour" death strider,so my life was real" he nodded in agreement "dam it" my arm burst out in to white light that went straight through deathstrider " I wouldn't use your powers in here it might effect the people around you" he said I thought for a moment then my eyes returned to there natural eye colour " so which is it death or is something trying to get in my head" I said " well Seth a bit of both that why your brain ran here around about 1031 AD five years after you lost your memories of your past life , I'm presuming this is your safe place where everything thing was safe in your clans village ,but it's strange maybe your brain relised that your going to die soon because this safe place gets destroyed tonight well this village does all these beautiful wooden houses so much bigger than the ones in the present and the colourful tunes of the family's that have lives there before also your house is really interesting should we go have a look at it shall we. I didn't think before I started walking I don't know if it was because I really wanted to see my house or just I wanted to know why he wanted to go there.we arrived at my front door my house was a charred black with one ruin above the door that's was a protection ruin, from both the outside world the powers I hadn't got control of on the inside."you gonna open it or am I ?" As death strider said this I put my hand on the cold iron handle and opened the door to a lovely warm living area the heat was so warm and lovely homely ." I have to admit I love the bear furr rug and the sword hanging above the fire place,you made it enfused with your powers and it wasn't the first but it's the perfect sword for you,isn't it the same sword your daughter put her soul in to" I didn't answer the question I just sat on the wooden softer that was covered in werewolf furr " why are you just sitting there shouldn't you be warning the town ?" Death strider asked " I'm gonna be honest with you I don't care anymore about this village I know what happens tonight I know that every one I cared about dies so what's the point I'm just gonna wait and then do it again" he seemed shocked by my answer. A few hours past and that's when I heard the first scream of the ever so dark night ,the smell of burning flesh and blood flooded my house ,I step out of my house to a vampire tearing in to the neighbours throat but before I knew it I chopped his head off, even tho this is my mind I still love these people and they loved me and helped me in my time in need " I'm sorry old friend" and I slided my sword in to his chest a tear fell down my cheek on so his dying body I will alway love this town.i chopped down three more werewolf's after that then the vampires charged in then followed the element humans I lost count on how many I killed, but I could do this all day but then I heard a scream my wife was being chased by an alpha ,the same alpha as the on in purgatory I pulled out my crossbow but before I tried to fire a wolf bit in to my arm I quickly ripped him off with my teeth but when I looked back at my wife and the alpha was ripping her to shreds as she screamed my name I felt a power surge through me and I felt my wings sprout out my back my hands turned in to paws and claws, my teeth sharpened all of them then I felt like a bomb and like a bomb I exploded in to white light and the town was Decimated and turned to ashes and so was everyone else I ran over to my wife and she was bone tears ran down my face on to her and then I heard a voice "Seth what happened?" It was Malik and he was horribly burnt but I could see it healing and turning in to a tattoo he had some of my power going though his ,I grabbed him and held him "it will be okay,everything will be okay Malik " I said as I started to cry then everything froze " Seth you must put me on so you can fight death" death strider said " I will never put you back on you son of a bitch " and I went to stab him in the chest with my sword and nothing happened then I felt a sharp pain in my chest and when I looked down I saw my sword but it was black and new symbols and the shape was a bit different but when I looked him in the eyes everything went black and the world had disappeared.

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