The lost soul

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After I heard her shout ,everything went so fast .i rolled to my left just dodging the syth that was now impaled in to the ground ,I quickly pulled my sword off my back and spun around to death trying to pull out his syth,I lunges at him with my sword but before my sword reached him he managed to pull the syth out of the ground and just blocked my lunge ,before I could get in another swing he shoved his hand through the chest and lifted me in to the air I screamed in pain ,everything started to slow down after that.i could feel my heart beat in my head ,thump thump,thump thump ,slowing down each moment,deaths syth glimmered in the abyss of the night sky as he raised it above his head, a second past as he swung it down towards me ,I felt my heat beat speed up,pumping my blood around my body fast and faster.the syth stopped just before my kneck, death seemed shocked as he looked at what stopped him,my hand just below the blade of the syth.he watched as my body shifted on his arm,feeling all my muscles change my bone arrangement move as I turned in to a werewolf,with my spear arm I shoved my claws in to deaths arm,he tried to move away as I sunk them in between his elbow and his arm,his screams just made the urge to rip him apart harder to resist.he dropped to his knees as he heard the pop of his elbow detaching from the rest his body he screamed as he dropped to his knees ,I jumped to pull the stuiped bastards arm out of my chest ,as I did I launched his arm in to the forest then I charge at him on all fours and as I was about to reach him I jumped on to him pinning him to the ground ,I looked him in the eyes as he saw defeat then I opened my mouth to reveal razor sharp teeth,which I sunk in to deaths collar bone but as I did I felt deaths Essence flood my mouth,I jumped off of death ,I gaged and coughed up black smoke and liquid.after I got most of it out of my system I looked up to see death standing over me , syth raised agian this time I raised my arm to stop it but at the last moment he changed the angle and sliced right through my left arm where he cut last time,I stumped as I saw a mixture of black and white liquid dripped from where my arm used to be,everything seemed so slow again,there it was again the persistent thumping of my heart and the faster it got the the more the liquid pumped of the the stump of my arm , I couldn't tell how much time had gone past since I had lost it but I could only just feel myself panicking as I saw death reattaching his missing arm.he picked up my arm and as he did shadows poured out of his sleeve toward the limp arm ,I knew what was coming,the shadows latched on to the arm and then there was nothing I could do but whatch as they rip the flesh and eat down to the bone" this is what gonna happen to the whole of your body when I'm done with you seth" death said as he admired the half eaten arm.i held on to the numb and tried to heal myself but only one thing happend I was turning back to my normal form ,I tried to hold on to the wolf form but I couldn't so I tried to use my angel powers but still couldn't I was two injured ,I drew my sword "come on and finish me of then death " I said as I stood my ground ,he dropped what was left of my arm on the ground and walked towards me " your not leaving this place alive and I will make shore of that" death said as he started to walk faster to me,he moved faster and fast to the point I nearly didn't realise that he swung his syth again but this time I knew what I had to do,I blocked the fist swing with my sword which made my arms tremble ,I could feel my strength draining out my body as I lost my blood .he swung again and again each time I blocked it and each time I lost more strength I couldn't keep this up ,It took about three more blocks till I droped my sword and fell to my knees "I can't just kill me please,I want you too " tears streamed down my face "I can't take it anymore I can't hurt anymore" I said through tears,then the tears stoped as a boney fist land straight in my right eye ,then the world turned on its side but all of a sudden I was looking at the darkness of deaths eyes it was like looking in to a void of darkness and the more you stared the more it would consume you " seth I love the sound of you begging but shamefully I must not comply just yet,I want you to suffer and feel pain like you have never felt before" and as he finished saying that fist Pummelled me
Each one hurting more than the last but after the fith or sixth I started to see a figure dark in the distance,I held hope tho that it was levy but as they got closer after each punch I knew who it was." Hello seth,you relise that you need me yet,or are you gonna let him kill you " then another punch " then your blessed daughter and friends huh" another fist landed " it's a shame me and you could have been so strong together because you know that you can't beat him without me" and as deathstrider said this I felt blood drip down my face this time he hit me ," i would be rather be buried alive and watch my self rot then let you back in to this world" I said as I coughed up blood "we will see who's right " deathstrider said as he started to walk away " by the way I hope your daughter is as fun as you to break ,you know I like to break the mind" he laughed as he said this .death wrapped his hand around my throats and he lifted me up in to the air " it's time seth,I'm gonna let my little pets consume you" he grinned at this thought ,I felt so weak I couldn't even do anything then I noticed them the shadows moving towards me out of deaths sleeve ,I couldn't let deathstrider consume my daughter,I tried to use my powers but I just couldn't i was to weak,but as the shadow creatures attached them selfs on to my chest I felt death loosen his grip but before I could hit the ground I was grabbed and when I relised what was going on I was above the tree line." seth are you okay?" I was to weak to relise that it was aires was talking to me,then I saw it death pulling out his double barrel shotgun and aiming at me and aires, my fear consumed me
As I stared at him as he aimed,it felt so slow,I pulled the deathstrider mask out and looked at it " I'm sorry aires" I said as I let the darkness surrounded me.i landed on the ground ,I looked at my hands they where coated in shifting shadows and my arms had metal plates on them saying that all over my body was metal plates like armour but pitch black.'bang',deaths shotgun ,a whisper then from the distance "run" I couldn't tell who it was ,but I ran back to the opening ,my arm stilled layed there lifeless but then I saw what was lying next to my arm ,axil lied on the ground blood pouring out of his best on mouth, his body shook as he held on to life "axil are you okay what happend?" I said as I ran to him,I fell to my knees as I reached him ,he tried to push me away as I grabbed him then I relised why,it was deathstrider, he doesn't trust me "it will be okay axil I promise I will save you and everyone,even if it means my being consumed" I said as I started to cry.i heard another shot so I ran towards it but before I got there I found my sword ,I felt so compelled to pick it up ,I couldn't fight it so I picked it up ,but as as I did everything went black for a split second,after a moment I was back but my sword had changed it looked beautiful like two snake body's intertwined and there tails where the end of the blade the wings at the hilt where sharper and more demon like and the most change was the colour from I bright shinning silver to a pitch blacks ,I was confused to be honest this didn't happen the last time deathstrider was taking over but I ignored it and sprinted towards the fighting .all over a sudden I was watching levy fighting death with so much passion and strength ,but the second I saw death I felt a fire in me I hadn't felt since I first used deathstrider, I charged towards him with our even thing about my injury's but then I relised I had my arm back but it was just shadows still felt so real ,it didn't matter I just couldn't take my mind off killing death. When I reached him I shoved my sword through his back out his chest,he screamed in pain as I did "run levy I shouted as I attacked death,I pull
My sword out his back and stepped away .death turned towards as I stood there the first thing I saw was the terror in his face , then the syth coming straight for me but as it reached me I grabbed it with my shadow
Hand ,death seamed confused as he couldn't move the syth one inch but I didn't even put any energy in to it accept wrapping my hand around it , the terror built up in his eyes it made me grin I love to see him suffer "end it" the whispering said, so I tried to I shoved my blade though deatsn chest just missing his heart,he screamed like a banshee as I dug my sword deeper and deeper in to his chest ,intill I felt like I wanted him dead, I pulled my sword out of his chest,black smoke leaked from his wound "deathstrider, haven't seen you in a while it's been a pleasure seeing you, but I see this is a unfair fight ,so I shall take my leave" as he said this I realised aires levy and axil stood behind me ready to battle. Death swung his syth round ,and around till a a dark black portal opened "I will see you another day deathstrider" as he said this I pulled out my revolver and said "not if I kill you now ,you son of a bitch" and I pulled the trigger but as I did he pulled his syth from the portal and launched it in to my moment I new death was gone but the syth was still in my chest so I pulled it out I was shocked that I could hold it but as I did I could feel thumping in my head,I dropped to my knees as the thumping got worse,I can't have this happen again I lifted my revolver to my throat i feel the vibrating of the people that loved me running towards me,but the bullet travels faster than they do, then silence,intill these words " I told you I would be back seth" then death striders laugh was so cynical but as I looked up at him,I was in a cage surrounded by darkness "help me!!" I screamed through the bars. I opened my eyes to seths daughter and his fallen angel girl friend "seth are you okay" the angel said " seth is alive and will stay alive till I don't need him anymore" I said though my cynical laugh,they looked at me confused as I stood up and picked up the syth,then a whisper in my head "I won't fight back if you let them live." It was seths voice "if I knew it was so easy to control you I would have done this last time,okay I will keep to your deal seth" I said as I put the revolver at my side and put my new syth on my back " well people that seth loves,I made a deal to keep you alive, so have a fun life I've got things to do" they ran towards me as I said this,I had to fight the urge to rip them apart so I sent wall of pitch black fire with a tone of purple infesting it. I was about to teleport but before I did I heard the coughing of seths best friend choking on his own blood ,I thought for a moment , you would be usefull to me alive. I put my hand on the weak reminants wounds then my hand started to glows a deep purple,he screamed in pain as I healed him a little " you shall heal over time at my will in till I need you" I said as I teleported away.

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