the new wepons

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As I finished the last weapon I wiped the sweat off my forehead. The grey shirt I was wearing was drenched, as I pulled it off I could feel it Peel of my wet skin. I slammed down on the metal one last time as I did the clash of the metal and hammer sparked and hit me on my bare chest it burned for a moment then I healed myself, I looked at my body and saw the scares that was left behind from the battles I couldnt heal from there was only a few one on my right peck going down diagonal tho just under my peck then two on my stomach crossing each other like an x.i stopped looking at old wounds and put the weapon in the pot of water the steam filled my lungs it was thick then it stopped. As the weapons where both ready I walked out of the blacksmith on the the shadowy stairs.  I walked out in to the cold air, really regret my choice of leaving my shirt shirt in the blacksmiths,  but I headed back to the others. When I got back to the camp only Aires was there "where have you been, it's been a few hours thought you had gotten up and left us " As she said this I walked up to my bag and opened it to look for a shirt as I said "I was out making some things in the blacksmiths that's was locked " I pulled out a blue flannel shirt and slipped it on "I made you this " As I held out a bow that was made of silver with symbols carved in the every part of it presides the string, she took it gently from my hand and sat back down on the log "thank you,  but there isn't can I have the ammo for it " She giggles as she said this " Oh yh " I chuckled as I said this and handed her the quiver full of arrows "so there are a few things with the bow and arrow that you need to know this bow can not be used by anyone else presides you now and also each arrow is made of a perfect balance of silver bronze and gold, the bow share a your power it doesn't take it away it will be like a link but don't worry about running out they are fused with a binding spell to the quiver so they will just go back in to it, but there is one thing you need to do " As I said this axillary walked in to the camp his hair was soaked "oh hey axil come here " I said as he looked at me "hey sorry me and morrigan  went to the river to wash abit he's still there washing his armor " He said as he sat next to me and airies " I made you something give me a moment " I got up and walked other to my bag where I left his weapon I made for him and brang it with me and sat down "this is yours" He took it out of my open hands. He pulled it out of its Scabbard, a long shinning blade slowly glided out. He pulled it fully out and it was a Katana axil looked in shock "The Katana blade is made of silver soaked in werewolf blood which is poison to most things,these engraving will a low you to use it when you go in to your shadow form and go in invisible also keep the Katana sharp, the handle is made of werewolf bone and fur but the sword guard is made of pure gold and like aires bow no one else can use it" Axil seemed so wordless to the point he was just repeating t , " There is something you need to do first it needs blood not loads just cut your hand and hold the weapon it will heal that cut it just needs to know you so no one else can use it" As I said this I pulled to small golf blades out of my belt,  they both took one and cut the palm of the hand aires cut her left and axil cut his right and they both grabed there weapons, as they did each symbol on the weapons lighted up aires lighted up white, axils lighted up at purple then they turned off "these are now a part of you " Thank you Seth"they both said as morrigan walked back in to camp in full shinning armour "hello there, have you been to the river you look like you just walked through it" He said as he sat down "I haven't I will go now " I said as I got up " Morrigan just nodded as I said this aires stood up with me "I will take you to the river I need to wash as well " I just smiled as she said that and we started to walk to the river.

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