The pain in their eyes

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I watched as the flames lit the area, it was the first time I was able to see the lifelessness in everything, trees, dirt and even the air felt like it was full of death, but what could you expect from the land of dead monsters. My stomach growled, if Axil is right then I wouldn't need food ,what the fuck is going on here. The heat from the fire started to fade as it died down, I hesitated before I relit it as I saw Aries sit up

"Are you okay?" I asked as I walked over to her, she didn't say anything beside nod her head. She seemed confused as she looked around. "Don't worry, the wildlings are gone" I said as I sat next to her, "fuck!" I shouted as I jumped back up on to my feet, I noticed the jagged rock that had just stabbed me in the arse. I stood there rubbing my arse cheek I noticed the cutest smirk on Aries' face "did you do this?" I asked in a jokey tone she just shook her head as she smiled more, I kicked the stone down the hill before I sat back down. I didnt want to be jabbed in the arse again, as I sat down she layed her head on my shoulder before I was welcomed to a sea of crimson red but I didnt mind it just felt nice to be this close to someone again even if we were both covered in dried blood. Everything was silent but it just felt so right so I didn't say a single thing, I stared in to the darkness of the forest though all I could do was sit there and think about everything, 'how did I get here?', 'how do I get out of here?' but then the silence was broken as Aries lifted her head.

"Thank you" she whispered in a delicate tone.

I didn't say anything until she layed her head back on my shoulder,

"its okay" I muttered before the silence surrounded us again. I started to fall asleep as foot steps cut through the silence like a knife through butter. They started to trail up the hill "Axil?" I called out but there was no response, I looked at Aries but she was passed out again so I leaned her against a tree before giving her my red shirt as a pillow. As I stood up the steps where getting closer to the top of hill so I rekindled the flame,

"Axil, hope you've got some good food cause I'm starving" I said as I was tending to the fire but as the foot steps stopped I looked up and froze at the sight of shinning black armoured legs, I didn't say anything but breathe, 'it can't be...' I thought to myself but then he spoke. I knew it was him

"hello seth been a while". I slowly stood up as he approached me. His armour was like looking in to a void of pure darkness even the joints of the armour where filled with moving shadows that conected the darkness that was his armour, his helmet surprised me as the holes where his eyes where surposed to be where filled with purple light. He spoke again I noticed his helmet had dim purple shadows that mimicked a mouth.

"Were you expecting somone else?, Seth" he said, for a moment I didn't say anything until he turned his head towards Aries.

"Why are you here deathstrider?" he turned his attention back to me as I asked,

"well hmm lets think why would I be here?" he actualy took a moment to think "thats it im here because someone dragged me here after you ended up here,why are you here" he said in a sarcastic tone,

"I dont know, maybe I finally got what I deserved and someone killed me" the shadow that was his mouth shifted in to grim smile.

"you are so naïve for someone who has been around for so long, I thought you would've figured this out by now".

"What the fuck are you on about?"I shouted but as I did the world started to shake around me

"dont you worry, I will show you when we're back together" he whispered.

"Seth, Seth are you okay?"Axil said as he shook me awake

"yeah I'm fine don't worry" I said as I pushed his arms away from me "just a bad dream" I muttered, I noticed Aries wasn't leaning on me anymore, I quickly got up as I said "where is she?" Axil just pointed towards the fire, a blood soaked angel shovelled a spoon full of beans in to her mouth, I almost giggled at how happy she looked eating beans

"there's a tin and some water for you if your still hungry" Axil said as he handed me a unmarked silver can, I took it from his hands as I said

"thank you Axil". I heated the beans over the fire before I sat next to Aries on the log, Axil didn't say anything as he watched me and Aries shovel our beans down our throats. After we finished our beans with a sigh of relief, I have never felt this hungry or thirsty before,

"theres clothes, food and water in the bags over there" Axil said as he pointed towards two plain black rucksacks.

"Thank you" we said in unison, it went silent for  moment.

"So Seth what happend earlier" Axil asked, I hesitated for a moment

"nothing just a bad dream, so dont worry" I said "we should move when we have rested " Axil looked at me a bit concerned but he knew if he pushed me he would not get anything from me so he just nodded.

"I definitely need some more rest" Aries said through a yawn. After a while they both fell asleep but I couldn't as my thoughts kept me up, 'was he real?','what did he mean by when were back together?' ,'what am I gonna do?', but after a while the thoughts calmed down and I was able to fall back alseep.

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