liam stewart [1]

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{this takes place when the gang had black Betty. let's just say it was during a time they stopped to rest. Also Reader is an orange!}

I couldn't sleep.  Not right now. Not after what I had done. The poor man. But I had to do it. Or else he would've  hurt Chubs, and Zu, and Liam.

Now, I couldn't sleep. I was sitting in the back of the van with Zu, while Chubs and Liam sat in the front. Chubs was snoring like usual, so the noise of that helped for when I opened the back of the van and slid out. I had been quiet so they wouldn't wake up.

We were parked at a campsite somewhere and the entire view around Black Betty was forest. It was beautiful at night. Breathtaking. And I needed the fresh air around me.

I walked a little while to find somewhere to sit. It was hard navigating my steps when it was dark, and the uneven ground and branches definitely didn't help with that. But I made it to a tree and sat at its base.

I never cried around the others. It showed weakness. So when I got time alone, I would bawl. it was a quiet, gasping kind of noise. like I was trying to keep anyone from hearing, even though I was in the middle of the woods.

Then I heard the twigs beside me snap. I saw those familiar blue eyes I had memorized. Liam. Of course it had to be him.

I quickly wiped away my tears and coughed. As if trying to cough out my feelings of sorrow.

"Y/n..." he said in a gentle tone. He slid down the trunk beside me and tried to put a hand on my shoulder. I moved out of reach. I didn't need his pity or sorrow. I was fine.

"I'm fine, Liam. Really." There was not a single light except the moon, but luckily enough it was bright and shining through the branches of the trees. I could see his face shining in the light.

"I know you better than that. Seriously," he sighed, shaking his head at the ground. "You don't need to pretend to be alright all the time. None of us are either."

"Then why do you run off every time you are feeling low? You go take a walk each time so the rest of us can't see you vulnerable. Isn't it the same?" I felt him wince at the sting of my words. I hadn't meant to be so harsh. It just came out.

He breathed. "It is. It's the exact same thing. You're right. Let's...let's just go back to Betty." He stood up and grabbed my hands to help.

"No it's fine I don't need your-" I took one step backwards and slipped on a root growing under the ground. I fell on my leg and on my bum.

"Y/n!" Liam shouted coming towards me as I just sat on the ground. He grabbed my arms and stood me up. This time I let him. "Can you stand?" He asked me. The worried expression on his face caused me to have one of my own.

I let go of him and tried to stand, but the pressure was too much for my bad foot. It felt like a tweak... but worse. This was pathetic. I winced as I took a step forward. I had to keep pushing. "I'm fine. Just a tweak."

He looked at me strangely, but nodded. Instead of carrying me back to Betty like he originally planned, he insisted on wrapping one arm around my waist and guiding me back. I didn't complain, because that shit hurt.

The sun had began to rise when we eventually made it back. Zu and Chubs we're still asleep, so Liam and I decided to sit on the ground outside of Betty.

My ankle was still hurting, but not that bad. Maybe it was just a really bad tweak. I had been in deep thought of all the ways I could heal from this and all the ways I could pretend I had healed when I was interrupted by Liam grabbing my hand. He squeezed it lightly. I could see his face full on now. The sun was rising and the view of everything looked beautiful. Him especially.

"It's okay to cry in front of me." He said. He was still holding my hand but I didn't try to pull it away. He was looking up at me. I couldn't meet his gaze, it was too intimidating.

"I know that. Do you?" I finally had the courage  to look up at him. He smiled slightly and didn't leave my eyes.

He leaned his head down on my shoulder and buried it in between the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arm across his waist and pulled him into a hug. It felt good. This feeling of warmth and love. It felt right. But it wasn't. I could never be with Liam. He would never want to be with me. I shifted away from him and he sat up again, giving me a questioning look.

"What's wrong darlin'?" He looked concerned again.
"Why are you doing this Liam? It's confusing and so weird and it's driving me crazy." I leaned back to hit my head on Betty and look up at the beautiful changing sky.
Liam, just chuckled. "What do you mean? What am I doing to you?" He was tracing his fingers up and down my lower arm now.

I sat up and pulled my arm away. "That. You're doing that." Liam took me by surprise and pulled me into him. He kissed me in a sweet yet forceful way. It was surprising that this was what kissing felt like. I had never kissed anyone. But if it was as good as this... well.

He pulled apart and was grinning again. I couldn't meet his eyes once again. He tipped my chin up so I was looking at him.

"Darlin'... what's wrong with that?

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