liam stewart [6]

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Reader is the one who lets Ruby in Betty instead of Zu! It's a bit different than the original novel so I'm sorry if u don't like that ((:

I was sitting in the van waiting for Zu to return from the gas station. I sat up sharply when I heard her return to Betty and slam the door. That's when I heard the girl calling after her. Zu looked towards me frantically and sunk back into Betty.

"Please! Let me in!" The girl cried. Zu wasn't moving. She was scared. So was I. The girl outside, was the most. She was a teenager- a kid like us. She needed help.

Without thinking I unlocked Betty. "Come. Quick!" I pulled her in and watched as she crawled to the back of the van.

Zu and I perked up as we heard Liam and Chubs return, and the voices of a man and woman shouting "Ruby!"

Liam frantically crawled into the front and Chubs beside him.
"Are you guys okay?" Liam asked turning the engine on and looking back at us.

We both nodded. Zu gave me a look. I knew what she was trying to say. But I just looked away.

Liam drove away fast from the people, who were searching around for someone. There was a woman, a man, and a kid. They still called out for Ruby, who I presume was the girl I had let in the van.

"What was that about?" Chubs questioned, but Zu and I just shrugged.

Driving was going fine until I saw Ruby peek from out behind. Liam must have seen her too, and swerved the car to the right of the road. All our bodies thrust forward when he stepped on the brake harshly.

The boys, Zu and I all looked back to where Ruby was.

"Zu! What did we say about strays?" Chubs asked, and Zu just gestured toward me. Chubs' eyes went wide. "You let her in? Why?"

I felt like I was on trial. I could feel my hands sweating. Liam and Chubs were staring at me now. "I...I- she was in trouble. We needed to help her."

"Those kittens were in trouble, and we just left them." Chubs looked over at Liam who was rolling his eyes.
"We've already bad this discussion. What were we going to do with a box of kittens?" Liam raised his voice, but still had a smile on his face.

They must've forgotten about Ruby because when she finally spoke again, both of their heads shot back.
"I'll just go. Just let me out!" She cried.

Liam just shook his head. "We can take you to the nearest bus stop."

I smiled at hearing that, because Liam was always so caring, then I thought about the recent events. Him and Chubs were probably furious with me.

Zu and Ruby sat in the back, while I crawled up into the front, in the middle of the two boys.
Liam looked over at me and flashed a small smile, while Chubs just looked out the window.

"Chubs..." I began but I was cut off.
"Don't you 'Chubs' me. That was a dumb and irrational decision you made back there. Usually you are a smart decision maker. Not today."

I felt a pang in my heart hearing him say that. I started to go back by Zu and Ruby when I felt someone put their hand on mine. Liam was had his eyes glued to the road ahead, but his hand wrapped around mine and I felt my heart get warm.

I slid back up beside him. "Are you mad too Lee?"

Liam scoffed. "What? No. Of course not." That caused Chubs to look over at him. Liam released my hand.
"Lee!" Chubs shouted.
Liam finally looked over back at Chubs. "What? She didn't do anything wrong. She let a girl who needed help in. What's wrong with that? I would've done the same."

I smiled at that but frowned when Chubs turned his attention back to me. His face was softer now, and he seemed a bit less angry. "I get it. I do. I just don't want her to cause any harm or ruin what we have going on. I don't know what I would do if I lost you guys." Chubs sighed. It was like a weight had been lifted off his and not to mention my shoulders.

Liam was smiling now, and he reached up to ruffle Chubs' hair. "I didn't know you were so soft Chubsie."

That caused me to laugh. "Are you still mad? Because I won't leave until you like me again."

Chubs smiled and patted me awkwardly on the shoulder. "I'm not mad. I wasn't even mad. I don't know why I freaked out."

Liam looked over at me then back to Chubs. "It almost sounds like you're apologizing... but not quite." I laughed at that and Chubs rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to go sit with Zu." Chubs stood up to go to the back and i moved out of his way.

I didn't move up to the front for some random reason. Then I heard Liam talk. "I won't bite." He said and patted the seat beside him.

I crawled up to the front and sat beside him. He had his eyes on the road and I had mine on him.

"Are you mad Lee? Did you just say you weren't to bicker with Chubs? Because if you are I'm so sorry that I let her in without asking you guys." I really didn't want him to be mad and I would do anything to make sure that he wasn't. When Liam was upset with you, it was the worst. Chubs was like the parent who grounded or shouted at you when he was upset, and Liam was the parent who was silently disappointed. They both hurt.

Liam shook his head. "No. I'm not mad. Well- I'm not going to lie, my first reaction wasn't pleasant..." I looked away from him. "But when I thought about why you did it... it made me-uh- I don't know. Proud."

He took my hand in his and gave it a squeeze. "I'm rarely ever mad at you. I've probably only been mad once." He smiled and I did too, because we both remembered the one time he freaked.

"I'm just," I sighed. "I'm glad you aren't mad." I tried to pull my hand away, but he held on.

He faced the road again and tried to hide the giant smile that was appearing on his lips.


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