chubs meriwether [1]

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This takes place in the first book (:

"I don't think that's a good idea." Chubs said. He was talking about Ruby. Ruby was the new girl the gang had picked up while travelling. Zu had let her in, because she trusted her. So that meant something. Everyone was on board about her coming with us (Especially Liam), well everyone but Chubs.

Sometimes he had his head so far in his ass that he only thought logically and didn't care much for the other persons feelings. Only sometimes. Other times he could be charismatic and funny and just amazing.

"Shut up Chubs... she's right there." I glanced over to Ruby in the back seat. She made herself smaller and sunk down. It was rude of him to speak like that when the person whom he was speaking was... well in the same room.

"Yeah. I know." He crossed his arms, looking straight forward, his eyes glued to the road ahead.

Chubs and Liam sat in the front, Lee driving of course. Ruby, Zu, and I sat in the back. I exchanged glances with Ruby once in a while. She seemed scared.

After a while of driving, Black Betty needed gas, so we pulled over at the nearest motel to siphon gas from other vehicles. Liam did the job by himself, and the rest of us sat in the van. An uneasy silence surrounded us.

"I need air." Chubs said sharply. He left the van and walked over to the side of the building we couldn't see.

Zu tapped my arm. I knew what she was trying to say- well not say. "I'll go."

Ruby nodded at me, and scooted over so I didn't bump into her when I left the van.

I walked over to the building and saw Chubs sitting on the ground, hugging his knees tightly.

"Chubs..." I said quietly. He didn't groan or tell me to leave, so I took that as an invitation to sit next to him. "Are you...okay?"

He shrugged. "I'm just... nervous. I don't want Ruby to ruin what we have going for us. We were perfectly fine before her. I don't want her to split us up. Split you and I up."

I rested my hand lightly on his shoulder. "Nothing could do that Chubs... not ever. I would never leave Liam, or Zu, or you. Never."

He sighed and pulled me into a tight hug. I let out a tiny noise of surprise, since he rarely engages in physical contact.

"I'll try to be nicer to her." He said. It was muffled because his face was smooshed into my hair.

I rubbed circles on his back. "Thank you."

"What the heck is going on here?" A voice said. A familiar voice. Liam.

Chubs and I quickly released each other. "Nothing." We said at the same time.

Liam just shook his head smiling and gestured us to come back to Betty.

Chubs and I stood up and dusted ourselves off. He was avoiding eye contact with me now. I didn't care. He had shown a vulnerable side to him, and I was happy about that.

{this story isn't proof read so sorry for any MISTAKES, also comment or vote or whatever the shit u want}

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