chubs meriwether [2]

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A highschool AU where Chubs is a green and offers to help you with your homework! (:

Math was frustrating. The class. Every unit we have to learn. Maybe not for some, but for me...extremely frustrating. This other kid named Charles on the other hand... put his hand up to answer every single question. And below and behold, he always got them right.

A couple days ago, I had a math test.
"Okay guys I'm going to hand out the previous tests we did." My teacher Ms. Conner said with a giant smile on her face. When she handed mine back, the smile on her face faltered a little. "Can you come see me after class?"
I got a 49%. I failed. Shit.

After class was done, I made my way up to her desk. Charles, the smartest kid in class was also up there. He gave me a reassuring smile.
"So, y/n... you know why you're here. I really want to see you succeed in this class and in the rest of them!" Ms Conner smiled. "So I'm getting one of my brighter students Charles to tutor you."
I must have made a mortified face because Charles snorted.
"Is something wrong with that?" Ms Conner asked.
"No-no it's fine. It's great actually. Thanks Ms Conner."
She stood up and clapped her hands together. "I'm hoping this works out! You two will need to discuss when and where the tutoring will happen. You guys are dismissed. See you on Monday."

Charles and I exited the classroom, and I was beginning to leave when he tapped me on the shoulder and pulled me to the side. "It's a Friday so we have the weekend to study for the quiz on Monday. If thats fine?" He questioned.

I nodded. "Yeah that's great. Can I have your number so I can text you?"
Charles shifted uncomfortably and took his phone out. "Yeah sure."
When I put my contact info in and handed it back he sighed. "Also, you can call me Chubs."

I did a double take. "Chubs?"
He chuckled. "Yeah, Chubs."
It didn't make sense at all. This kid was probably the scrawniest person I'd ever seen.
"Well... thanks Chubs. I will text you and we can meet up this weekend!" I waved as I walked away.

I texted him that night and we had planned on meeting at a coffee shop to begin our studying.

Me: hey!
Chubs: hi
Me: so where/when do you want to start this?
Chubs: Tomorrow? Around 12 ?
Me: yep! sound good.
Chubs: We can meet at a coffee shop or something. Just text me where.
Me: okay! bye

At 12, I went to the coffee shop called Betty's Coffee and Tea. It was nice and cute. I entered at 11:50, hoping to be a bit early, but Charles was already there. Set up and everything.

"Sorry Charles-I mean Chubs. I thought I was early." I sat down next to him and pulled my binder out.
He waved me off. "No no. You're fine. I just like being extra early for things like this."
I nodded.

We went over the basics about what we we're doing in class. He paid for my coffee. I got it a bit better.
"Do you get it now?" He asked.
I felt really dumb next to Chubs, who was incredibly smart.
"Um... I kind of do. Am I dumb Chubs?"

He shook his head at me, and a soft look appeared on his face. "No. You're not dumb at all. Lots of people find this stuff hard. It's normal." He smiled and took my hand in his. "You're actually smart. In other ways." He shrugged.

I took my hand away because it felt sweaty. "Thanks Chubs."
We studied for 4 more hours.

The weekend ended and I was ready for the quiz on Monday. When I walked into class, Chubs gave me a big thumbs up. he mouthed you got this and I felt better already.

I finished the test and handed it in. Ms. Conner smiled at me.

When I walked by Chubs desk he stopped me.
"I bet you did awesome." He said quietly so the rest of the class couldn't hear. I nodded, smiling and headed back to my seat.

I couldn't contain how fast my heart was beating and I didn't know why I felt like this.


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