liam stewart [2]

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Zu, Liam, and Chubs were sleeping in the motel. It was around 4 am and I couldn't sleep. I made my way back into Betty and sprawled out in the back seat. The sun wasn't quite rising yet, so only the moonlight lit the inside of the van.

I wished I could fall asleep, but after everything that had happened... all I would have were nightmares. I felt an ache in my head (probably from sleep deprivation and stress) and tried to massage myself. I shut my eyes and did so.

I don't know how long it had been, but I only opened my eyes when I heard the door of Betty opening. I shot up and began to jump out, only to halt when I saw who it was. Just Liam. I felt relieved, but frightened as well. I had never been alone with him before. He made my heart beat fast and my lungs feel like there was no air in the world.

"Hey." He said, climbing in beside me. I shut the door of the van where I had previously tried to escape from and sunk back into the seat. I couldn't sprawl out anymore and my head hadn't felt any better. So any chances I had of relaxing we're gone. Also, Liam was here. Great.

"Hi." I finally said. I could feel his eyes on me. Watching me intently. I didn't like it. My heart was practically beating out of my chest.

"You couldn't sleep either?" He asked, laying down and stretching his long legs over top of me. I didn't know what to do about it so I just let him.

"No." I shook my head slowly and brought my hands up to massage it again. I could feel the headache easing up a bit.

Liam took his legs off me and sat up again. "Come here." He said in a soft voice. I moved closer and he guided my head onto his lap. My heart leaped but I tried my best to remain calm. He brought his hands up and started massaging my head, around my temples and my neck. I closed my eyes because it hurt so good.

We stayed like this for a while, until I began to sit up because most of the pain was gone. He just pushed my forehead back down lightly. "It's fine. You can lay here." He was looking straight down at me with those amazing blue eyes and I could swear that my whole body just turned to jelly. I only nodded though, and shut my eyes again.

I felt him run his hands through my hair, and play with it occasionally. It felt good to be here with him. To have actual human touch. I never wanted to leave. But I also knew that this would never work out. Liam wasn't the type of guy who liked the type of girl like me. He just wasn't.

"Liam..." I opened my eyes again and sat up. This time he let me. "Thank you."

He smiled that contagious smile. "You're welcome darlin'."

I was sitting right beside him now. I felt somewhat brave for doing so, since before I could barely make eye contact without feeling like an idiot.

He laid his head on my shoulder and this time it was my turn to play with his hair. He let me.
"Thank you so much... for protecting all of us. For caring so much. You mean a lot to me." The words just flung out of my mouth before I could even think. I mentally slapped myself at how dumb I sounded.

He removed his head from the place on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes once again. This time I tried my best to do the same.

"I... Ive been wanting to do this for a while now..."

"D-do what Liam-?" I was cut off by his mouth on mine. He was kissing me and I was kissing back. This feeling of warmth brought butterflies to my stomach. He guided me to sit on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck. When he pulled away, i felt the butterflies leave as well.

"That." He said breathlessly. I wanted to kiss him again, and I was about to... but I heard the doors of Black Betty open.

"What the hell?" Chubs made a disgusted face, and Zu only smiled brightly.

I basically jumped off Liam's lap. He was grinning wide while wanted to throw myself off a cliff. I could feel my face red with embarrassment.

Liam just chuckled, "Shall we get going then?"

This hasn't been proof read so if there's mistakes ... yeet. Also comment ideas for stories I should do and characters!!☕️

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