liam stewart [8]

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Okay so, this is using a prompt I found on google. The prompt is: "Dance with me and pretend the world doesn't exist,"
Idk I'm just trying this out to see how it works!
Also this a take on the camp dance scene but it's different so... you know what I mean???

The music was blaring on the speakers. Well- not quite blaring, but It was loud enough that everyone outside could hear it fine.

I made my way outside and sat down on a bench. Chubs and Zu were no where to be seen, and not going to lie, sitting out there alone made me anxious.

All that anxiety slipped away when I saw Liam come and sit beside me. We sat in silence for a while, just watching the people who were on the dance floor. Then, he nudged my shoulder with his own.

"Why aren't you up there dancing?" He had a small smile on his face while he asked. It was contagious and I couldn't help but smile too.

"I'm not one for dancing. Also, dancing partner-less would be quite embarrassing. Don't you think?" I said, hoping to wipe the smile off Liam's face, I didn't, but he did look away from me.

"I don't know though... I have this feeling that you would be a good dancer. Even if you were alone. Who needs a partner anyway." He looked towards me again. Still damn smiling.

"Have you ever seen me dance Liam? I'm terrible. I have no rhythm at all." He laughed as soon as I said it.

"I'm not the best dancer either," He stood up and patted his jeans off. "But maybe we just haven't had the right partner."

I could see where this was going... and I did not like it.

Liam tried to grab my hands and pull me up but I quickly pulled them away. "No. Liam."

Liam leaned down and lightly put both of his hands on my shoulders. "We're doing this."

I shook my head, trying to hide the smile that was beginning to form on my lips. "I can't dance. Liam... you know this. You're also like 6 feet tall how could I reach you? Also, is this really the right time to do this? Right now? After everything that has happened-"

Liam quickly stood back up and removed his hands from my shoulders. He stood silently for a second and brought his hand up to his chin as if he were thinking.

"Dance with me and pretend the world doesn't exist." He had an intense gaze and huge smile that made me feel butterflies in my stomach.

I had to look away from him. I could feel my face getting hot and my cheeks red. "Fine. Jesus... fine." I began to stand up, but Liam grabbed my hands and pulled me to the dance floor before I could even think.

The song wasn't particularly slow, so we couldn't slow dance. That kind of bummed me out, but of course I wouldn't say anything.

He held my hand and spun me around twice. I couldn't contain my laughter, and neither could he.

We held hands and jumped around to the music. Liam was right. He had no rhythm. But I didn't either, and we didn't care.

Then, the song changed. It was slow and melodic. Liam was in the middle of twirling me around when it changed. I could feel my heart racing the second I heard it.

"I'm going to go sit down." I said and gestured towards some empty benches. I couldn't deal with slow dancing. And especially not with him. I began to walk away when I heard him speak.

"Wait-" he said abruptly, stepping in front of me and blocking my way. "I want to dance with you. Dance dance with you. Like- I- like a slow dance." The tips of his ears turned bright red.

"You do?" I wasn't complaining, but I was confused.

He shoved his hands down his jean pockets. "If you don't want to that's fine, I guess I'll just have to slow dance by myself."

Liam backed up and shrugged at me. Then he started swaying to the music alone. His eyes closed and a huge smile on his face.

I bursted out in a laughing fit because of how dumb he looked. When he noticed, he just shook his head and laughed too.

I couldn't stand to see him dance alone anymore, so when he was looking down I stepped towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

His head jolted up and his eyes widened in surprise at this. But instead of walking away, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer so I could rest my head on his chest.

I could feel the rise and fall of his chest as he took a deep breath.

We were barely dancing anymore. Just swaying our feet a little and holding onto each other.

The song finished and I expected Liam to release me but he never did. Instead he just leaned down so our faces were at the same height.

"For two people who don't have rhythm, we danced pretty well tonight." I could hear him smiling as he said it. My heart leaped and I quickly moved away and let go of him.

I saw a flash of a hurt look on his face, but I pushed that away.

"Thank you so much for dancing with me tonight. You were... uh- the best dance partner I could ever ask for." This brought a smile back to his lips.

Liam took a step closer and wrapped his arms around me. I hesitated for a second but hugged him back.

I pulled away and looked at him straight in the eyes. "When I saw you dancing alone Liam... I immediately felt something."

His eyes widened and he smiled big. "What was it?"

"Yeah. I realized that you really are a shitty dancer."



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