the movie!

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So,,, tonight I watched the movie "The Darkest Minds"

This might possibly get kind of spoiler-y, so if you don't wanna know anything probably just exit this chapter rn!

So while I wasn't disappointed, I also wasn't extremely impressed either. The movie was incredibly fast paced which I thought thought didn't serve well in their favour, because every time we had an important moment going on, it was very rushed. We didn't get a good background for the characters, the kids relationships weren't formed as strongly as I would like, and the changes made in the end weren't very good for the plot and probably just confused people who haven't read the book yet.

For example, the reds in the end shooting fire out of their mouths... what the fuck? the fuck? correct me if I'm wrong (and I very well could be) but the reds don't show up in the first book at all? So bringing them in without mentioning that Clancy was the one that started that red training program would be soooo confusing for people who haven't read the books to know that. They just... appeared. Also changing Chubs into a green did nothing really to serve the plot?

More negatives:
Liam wasn't very quirky or awkward
Ruby and Liam's friendship/relationship wasn't developed very strongly (IMO)
We saw Clancy pretending to be good for like one second then the plot twist of him being evil was just incredibly rushed
Ruby could use her powers without touching people...(I'm pretty sure she couldn't in the first book)
Ruby used her powers more frequently, while in the book she is afraid to do so and only uses them when necessary.
Zu just leaving without going with the og gang she leaves with
The motherfucking glowy eye thing that happened
Ruby and Sam aren't friends and she doesn't erase her memories so basically having Sam credited in the film is fucking dumb because she had like one line and doesn't help the plot or Ruby's backstory at all....
Ruby going back to her house then going right back to Betty was fucking stupid
BLUE BETTY? why did u change that?!!!? DUMB

More Positives:
Liam/Harris is so attractive and the sock scene literally made my heart melt
Mandy Moore was a good Cate!
Skylab Brooks was fantastic as Chubs and made me like his character more!
Miya Cech was amazing as Zu!
The cgi was actually good
The acting was good
The characters we all know and love were fantastic
The end scene (we all know which scene this is...)
The core 4 together made my heart warm
The cinematography was beautiful
chubs being so sassy and hilarious
Little Ruby was very cute
Chubs and Zu being adorable
Liam comforting Zu after her nightmare
Liam saying he's the GINNY to Ruby's HARRY
Liam having major heart eyes when Ruby wears the dress
The gang having fun in the store
You and me... inevitable.

Overall, I recommend seeing the movie. It certainly isn't an Oscar winning film, but it will make you feel happy and if you like action/sci-fi then this is a good film to see!

{ sorry if there are any typos , this isn't proof read and it probably will never be... since it's a dumb review that no one will care to read! anyway... I'll try and write more tonight(:}

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