sock scene • rubiam [1]

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The iconic sock scene... from Liam's Perspective (;

It was Ruby's turn to shower. I had told her I was going to shower in the morning, but I think everyone knew that it was a lie. The gang came first. They needed the shower more than me. Maybe I smelt, but I'd rather them be clean than me.

I didn't know how to think- or feel about Ruby. She seemed like she had seen and been through so much. I wanted to hold her and just tell her everything was going to be alright... but I couldn't. She didn't want me to. Every time any one of us got near her, she moved away. It was very clear that she didn't want us touching her. That was perfectly fine. I didn't want to overstep her boundaries.

While Zu and Chubs were watching the T.V and Ruby was showering in the motel, I was going through my bag that I brought in. Whilst doing so, I found a pair of white socks. I immediately thought of her. Ruby. She had barely anything and I had this gut feeling that what was happening in the shower wasn't good.

I grabbed the socks and made my way to the bathroom. I brought my hand up and knocked on the door lightly. I didn't know why I was so nervous, or why I was so tentative to do so. When she didn't answer right away, my second instinct was to talk. Maybe she hadn't heard the knock over the water.
"Ruby? You okay?"
The water turned off.
I knew she could hear me now.
"Can you—uh—open the door? Just for a sec?" I couldn't contain the nervousness in my voice. I felt like an idiot hearing myself sound like that. I clutched the socks harder.
Then the door opened and my eyes widened at the sight of Ruby in a towel. I glanced around the bathroom so I didn't have to meet her eyes for long.

"Is everything alright?" Ruby whispered. I finally looked down at her. "Liam?"
I didn't know what else to do. Rather say. So I thrusted the socks towards her. She down at the socks then back up to me, looking incredibly surprised. She still hasn't taken them from me.

I hated how dumb I felt. Or how stupid I probably looked. "Just wanted to... give you these," I shook them a little. Why didn't she just take the damn socks? I moved them toward her again. "You know, for you."
"Don't you need them?" She asked. Even if I had needed them, I would have offered them to her first.

"I have a couple of extra pairs, and you have none, right?" I wanted to leave this situation. I felt so awkward and uncomfortable and nervous around this girl. I couldn't hide the look of discomfort on my face. "Seriously. Please. Just take them. Chubs says your extremities or whatever are the first things to get cold, so you need them, and—" I was rambling now. Dear god Ruby just take the socks. Chubs had the same thoughts.

"Oh my god, green," chubs said from where he was sitting next to Zu. "Just take the damn socks and put the kid out of misery." I gave him a look quickly then put the socks on the counter, next to the sink and past Ruby.
"Um... thanks?" She said. Oh god she probably thought I was the most awkward and weird person she'd ever met.
"Great— I mean, no problem," I turned to walk away, but turned back to face her again. "Okay. Great. Cool—well, so you—"
There is was again. I couldn't speak. She was doing something to my brain, making it mush or something because I couldn't manage to speak one sentence to her. I wanted someone to put me out of my misery.

"Use your words, Lee," Chubs called. "Some of us are trying to get some sleep."
I wanted to smack him for making me look like more of an idiot than I already was.
"Oh, right. Sleep." I motioned towards the bed. I don't know why. I just did. "You and Zu are going to share. I hope you don't mind."
"Of course not." Ruby said.
I smiled bright. Too bright. Why? I do not know. "Okay, great!" She looked very uncomfortable.
"Yeah, um great." She repeated.

At that I turned on my heels and walked away, bringing my hands up and physically tearing at my hair. Mentally and physically face palming myself at how much of an idiot I acted like.
"I Hope your pleased with yourself, you should have just left her alone. She was fine."
I just raised a hand up and shushed him. She very well wasn't fine and I had just tried to make her feel more welcomed.

In the end I just made myself look more stupid.


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