cole stewart [3]

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Clancy's Locked up and messes with the readers mind and Cole freaks the heck out at him and is protective and it's kinda fluffy (:

Mild book 3 spoilers (but not really)

Clancy Gray was probably the most irritating human being ever. He was just the worst. I was the one who had to interact with him the most. I had to feed him and bring him new clothes and it just sucked. Cole tried to get others to volunteer, but I knew I had to do it. I could handle him.

Today I was bringing him his lunch. It was a plain piece of bread and some slices of meat. I unlocked all the locks on the door to the closet where Clancy's mattress and prison area was. Right when I slid the door open, his head shot up.

"Hey beautiful." He said, his eyes blazing with mischief.

I rolled my eyes and dropped the tray of food on the ground, not caring if any of it spilt.

"Harsh..." He said and grabbed the Tray. He grabbed my ankle with his other hand. "Don't leave yet." He begged, practically pleaded.

I kicked my foot away and stepped out of his reach. "Shut up Clancy." I began to walk away, but an image was forced into my head.

An image of Cole and some random young green. She was flirting with him. And he was flirting with back. He liked her. It broke my heart into a million pieces seeing this. Cole saw me watching and came towards me, his eyes looked harsh. "I don't love you. I never will."

Then I was brought back to reality. I was on the ground of the large room. Clancy's closet door was being slammed shut by Cole.

"I'll kill you if you ever touch her again." Cole spat out. I heard Clancy chuckle from inside the closet.

I didn't remember what had happened. One minute I was with Clancy, the next I was seeing Cole and that... girl, and now I was sprawled on the ground.

"Wuh-what happened? Cole?" I stood up frantically.

He came towards me and cupped my cheeks in his hands. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" For the first time ever, I had seen fear in his eyes.

I couldn't speak. I was so shocked at what was happening. "Cole-yes I'm fine. What's wrong?" He finally let go and backed away, running his hands through his hair.

"I saw you lying on the ground in there. I saw your eyes-they were foggy. I knew what he was doing. It scared the shit out of me. I dragged you out and-" He forced a chuckle out. "I kicked the shit out of him."

That made me smile. But I remembered what Clancy had just done. I hated him.

"I'm fine Cole... he just pushed images into my mind. That's it." I tried to shrug it off, but Cole knew better. He knew me better.

"We can go talk about it somewhere else. Some place where that asshole isn't." He gestured me to follow him out the door. I did.

We walked down the long hall of the ranch into the kitchen. It was empty. Cole took a seat at the table and I followed along.

After a moment of silence and awkward glances up at each other and back down to the table, Cole finally spoke. "Do you want to tell me what he did?"

I swallowed hard. "He just pushed things that he knew I would hate."

"Things like..." he motioned his hands in a way that I knew he wanted me to keep going. Cole could tell when I was bullshitting, so it was best to just tell the truth. No matter how hard it was.

"He...he showed me an image of you. It was of you and this young green girl flirting back and forward." I closed my eyes because I couldn't bear to look at his reaction. "You told me that you never loved me... and you never will. It's dumb. I know." I shook my head and finally opened my eyes.

Cole didn't look upset, instead he had a small smile on his face. "That sounds like a big pile of shit, if I've ever heard of one."

I was confused. "What?"

He leaned closer to emphasize what he was saying. "It's a big pile of shit. It's bullshit."

I couldn't look at him straight in the eyes. I looked at the table and crossed my arms. "What does that even mean Cole?"

The giant smirk was back. "You know what I mean. You also know that I would never say that. Also me flirting back with a green girl?" He scoffed.

I let out a giant laugh. This was the Cole I knew and loved. I reached over and punched him in the shoulder. Hard.

He just laughed at that, and stood up to leave. When he passed me he stopped suddenly.

I felt his hand come down on my shoulder. "I find it adorable how worked up you got over that. It's cute." He ruffled my hair and walked away.

So confusing. That was the Cole I know and Love.



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