cole stewart [2]

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Takes place in book 3, "In the Afterlight"
Mild spoilers! But not too much.(:

There was riot going on in the ranch. The kids weren't listening to Cole. As much as he was trying to help them, they all thought he was being selfish. He wasn't. He was thinking realistically and logically.

"Hey, hey" Cole waved his hands in the air, trying to shush them. The kids continued talking over him. "Everyone shut up!" That shut them up. He just glanced over at me with a hint of a smirk on his face.

"I'm trying to do what's best for everyone here!" He finally said.

"No! You're trying to force us to fight when we don't want to!" Some random kid yelled, earning 'yeahs!' From some others.

Cole just rubbed the bridge of his nose and shook his head at the kids. "You idiots!" He yelled. "I'm trying to save all of those other kids at the camps! We need to fight for ourselves because we damn well know, that no one else will." That also earned a few cheers.

But the rioting didn't stop. Kids were shouting terrible things at Cole. Calling I'm a murderer. Selfish bastard. Horrible, terrible things. I could see Cole wince at some of the things said. His hand spasming from where it rested down by his side.

I noticed this and pulled him aside into the hallway quick. I was only of the few people who knew that he was a red. "Cole it's okay... it's okay." I said quickly dragged him down the long hall into an empty bunk room.

He sat down on a bed and hunched over, using his arms as armrests and clutching at his hair. I let him sit like that for a while. I knew what he was feeling. The kids had done this before. Questioned his leadership. But they hadn't said those things before. Never.

I finally sat down on the bed next to him. I was usually scared to touch him when he was emotional. He lashed out sometimes, never physical or on me, but he yelled. He was confused, and scared... of himself. But this time I didn't hesitate. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him into a side hug.

"They aren't listening. They don't understand all the sacrifices you've made, Cole."

He didn't say anything. Not for awhile. He just let me hold him. Then he finally pulled away. Not going to lie, I wanted to hold him for a little longer.

"You're always there for me. Did you know that?" Every trace of anger I saw before what gone. Evaporated. He now had a slight smile on his lips.

I shook my head and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "It's normal. It's just human decency to do that." I realized I had said the wrong thing. The non-emotional thing. Here he was pouring out his emotions and I replied like a freaking robot. I quickly held my hands up. "No-no I also mean that you're my friend and I care about you very much." He shook his head smiling and ruffled my hair. "I know that, you dork."

I felt my face flush at that. That damn Stewart charm.
"I appreciate that you care so much." He had a serious face now. I shook my head.
"I-it's normal. You are so kind, Cole. You've done so much for everyone. For me. Of course I'm going to care for you."
"It's just... even after you found out about—you know. Your opinion on me didn't change. Not one bit."
I was looking at him now. "Why would it change? Because your a red? I don't care. Not one damn bit. And I never will Cole."

He pulled me into a tight hug at that moment. I felt him wrap his arms around my back and nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck. I did the same.

"I care about you. So much y/n. I hope you know that." He said as he finally pulled away. He brought his hand up and stroked my cheek. My face felt hot from his touch and I could feel how red I was. I was just hoping he didn't notice.

"Thanks, darlin'."


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