liam stewart [9]

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This takes place at East River... there's a water balloon fight and things get wild (;;;; (jk)
I'm also using the prompt: "you have something in your you want me to get it out?"

I had heard about this "water fight" for a while now. I didn't quite know what it was, but it had something to do with everyone getting into teams and trying to hit each other with water and I knew it was soon.

What I didn't know, was that it was today.

I was sitting outside on a bench with Chubs next to me. "So whens this water water thing happening?" He questioned, looking over at me.

"I have no idea. But when I do know, you're the first person I'm gonna destroy." I nudged him in shoulder with my own and he laughed.

He opened his mouth the say something but was cut off by the loud ringing of a horn. It was so extremely loud that we had to cover our ears.

"What the hell was that?" Chubs stood up and looked around. I did the same. I grabbed his arm because I didn't want to leave his side.

Then we heard footsteps approaching from nearly everywhere, the screams of boys and girls screaming.

Chubs and I basically jumped onto each other and began to run, but we were too late... because they surrounded us.

Chubs towered over me in height, so he wrapped his arms around me and turned us both away so he was the one exposed to them. We were so scared and terrified and frightened-

Until we heard people laughing. We slowly turned around to see Liam and lots of the other boys from East River standing around us. They were holding things in their hands... water balloons I think... oh shit.

Liam locked eyes with me and a smile appeared on his face. "Go!" He shouted, and by the confused look I made, I could tell that's what he wanted.

At once, everyone raised their hands and threw the water balloons at Chubs and I. So this was the water fight.

Balloon after balloon. They just kept coming. Chubs tried to block some of them for me, like a gentleman, but many hit me. About four hit me square in the face.

"Okay, Okay! That's enough guys." Liam yelled over all the laughing and shouting.

All the other boys ran off to go balloon some others, but Liam stayed behind and started walking towards us.

Chubs and I were extremely soaked. My clothes were sticking to my body (Luckily I wasn't wearing white).

Chubs was staring so hard at Liam that he could burn a hole through him. I was doing the same. Liam on the other hand, was laughing his ass off.

"Why the hell would you do that Liam?" Chubs shouted. "Y/n and I literally thought we were about to die! And our clothes! We are both soaking wet! Do you know how gross this feels? And what if she was wearing white?" Chubs gestured over to me but I just shook my head and glued my eyes to the ground.

Liam's smirk faded a little, but a small smile was still on his face. "C'mon Chubsie. It's just a joke. We're doing this to everyone." He chuckled and punched Chubs in the shoulder lightly.

Chubs didn't laugh though. He rolled his eyes and walked past Liam back to the main area of the camp. Liam tried to stop him but Chubs kept walking. He probably just needed some space.

Liam looked back over to me and I crossed my arms. "That was a dick move Liam." I knew that Liam wasn't going to let me leave, so I just sat back on the bench. Of course, he sat down beside me.

I looked over to Liam but he stared straight ahead of him. "The water fight was supposed to be a fun joke for everyone. Now Chubs and you probably want nothing to do with me."

I leaned back against the bench. "Well... while I didn't love having balloons filled with water thrown at my face, I'm not upset with you."

That caused him to finally look at me. "You're not? You have a right to be mad. It was kind of douchy."

I nodded at that. I wanted to be mad at him for orchestrating this whole thing, but I have to admit... it was kind of funny.

"You were just having fun Lee... it's not like you hurt anyone. Well, my face might be bruised but I think Chubs and I will live."

Liam's eyes flickered to my hair then back to my eyes. "You have something in your hair..." he raised his hands to grab it, but hesitated before he did so. "Um- do you want me to get it out?"

His voice was soft and he sounded nervous. I could see the anxiousness in his eyes.

"Yeah- yes please." I choked out.

Liam reached up and carefully grabbed whatever was in my hair. He showed me and then threw it on the ground. It was part of a balloon that had exploded on my face.

"Thanks." I smiled at him, which he returned with a cute and sweet one of his own. We both leaned our heads in closer.

"I come back to check on you guys and here you are!" Chubs. God damn it Charles.

I practically pushed Liam off the bench. He was on the ground and was still smiling at me.

I walked and stood towards Chubs, who just rolled his eyes at me. But I could see a hint of a smile there.

Liam stood up and walked towards us and held his hand out for Chubs to shake. "We're good buddy?"

A huge smirk appeared on Chubs' face. "Yeah. We're good."

Then he pulled the water balloon out from behind his back and slammed it on Liam's face.


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