cole stewart [1]

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mild spoilers for the third book "In the Afterlight" (:

Cole and I had been sparring for a while. And for that while, I've known he was a red. I didn't care. He and I had an understanding. I knew he wouldn't hurt anyone or me on purpose. Cole was an amazing leader, even if he wasn't appreciated by the others... he was by me.

We were sparring again today. My body hurt from the excessive exercise and training I had been doing, but I didn't care. If I was going to learn to defend myself, Cole was hands down the best teacher to learn from.

I put the gloves on and he mimicked the same action. "You sure you want to do this Darlin'?" He had a giant smirk on his face. He wasn't even trying to hide it.

"Oh yeah? I'm pretty sure I kicked your ass last time." I laughed.

"Okay then smartass. Let's go." He lunged at me and I quickly moved out of the way. It was like that for a while. He punched me in the arm after I had failed to move out of the way. Then I kicked him in the leg. It was going fine until I felt dizzy. My vision blurred and all I could see, or rather feel, was the giant glove smacking me right in the face.

"Shit y/n I'm sorry!" Cole made a kind of gasping sound and knelt down next to me.

I touched my glove to my nose and saw the blood. "It's fine Cole."

Cole took of his gloves and set them on the ground. Then he tried putting a hand on my shoulder but I shook him off. Not in a rude way, my body was just sore.

He physically winced at this. Like I had hurt him. I wasn't trying to.

He brought his hand back down to his side and just stared at them. "I didn't mean to. I thought you would move."

My gloved hand was brought up to my nose to try and contain the bleeding. I laughed at him. "Yeah I probably should have hey?"

I saw the tiniest hint of a smile on appear on his lips. But it was quickly replaced with a concerned look. "It's not funny. I could have... I could've hurt you. Bad."

"It's okay, Cole. I know you never would do it purposely." I punched him in the shoulder lightly. Cole caught my hand when I tried to pull it away. I didn't try and pull it from him, I let him hold on.

"I don't know what I would do if I ever..." His voice cracked slightly. I was surprised. Because it never did. "If I ever hurt you." He was looking up at me now. An intense gaze that caused me to look away.

"I... Cole I know. If you hurt anyone, you would be distraught. That's normal."

He tipped my chin up so I was looking at him. "Not just anyone.  You specifically."

I had to look at him now. My heart was racing and I could feel my hands sweating. I felt bad since he was holding one.

He didn't seem to care. Cole leaned in but I let out a yelp-like sound and jumped up.
"My-my nose. It's bleeding a hell of a lot. It would be gross if you kissed me. The blood... it would get on you and that's just-"

I was cut off by his lips on mine. He pushed my hand that was stopping the bleeding away. He didn't care.

"Do you really think I care about that darlin'?"

The story hasn't been proof read so if there's mistakes don't be dicks about it 🤠 thanks!

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