cole stewart [4]

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This is super angstyyyyy. 
I'm using the prompt: "Is this a game to you?"
Okay sorry if this freaking sucks I don't write angst often but yeahhh

Cole and I had- Well- had shared a moment together. It was a nice, and romantic moment where he was kind and sweet and so thoughtful.

But that was a week ago. And Cole hadn't said a word to me since. We had made eye contact several times... but he was always the first to look away.

I had enough. It was lunch time at the ranch and everyone was gathered in the mess hall. I was sitting next to Vida and Ruby. I kept glancing around to see it Cole had entered the room. He hadn't.

"Girl what's your problem today? You look more anxious then Chubs when he literally does anything." I couldn't tell if she was trying to slam me or ask if I was okay.

Ruby gave me a small reassuring smile, and I glanced over to Vida. "I'm fine. It's... it's nothing. I'm just not feeling well."

Ruby perked up and leaned on the table towards me. "Is this about Cole?"

My heart stopped and my eyes widened. "Uh..." I couldn't lie to her. Not if she knew something. "Yes. It's about Cole. Has he said anything to you Ruby?"

Ruby sunk back in her seat and shrugged. "Not really. He said that he was confused about things but that's it."

Of course, at perfect timing Cole walked in and sat down beside Ruby. I couldn't bear to look at him. I was furious.

"How's it going guys?" He asked, and the awkward silence that followed probably let him know.

"We were just talking about... things." Vida's eyes flickered over towards me, then back to Cole.

I couldn't stand sitting at the same table as him. Not after what he was doing. I stood up quickly. "I have to go. I'll see you guys later." I walked away as fast as I could.

I wanted to cry out of frustration or anger. I didn't know.

I walked back to my room and practically jumped on my bed. I grabbed my pillow and shoved my face into it, so I could muffle my scream.

When I was done I put the pillow down under my head again and just shut my eyes.

"Hey..." a voice said. I sat up and looked towards the door. It was Cole. He was leaning against the frame of it, like he was scared to come any closer.

I didn't say anything. But Cole took that as an invitation to come and sit beside me.

"We need to talk..." his voice was soft and I could tell he was looking at me. I could feel him.

"No. We don't." I got off the bed and stood up. "You need to leave Cole. Get out!"

He got up and stood next to me. He was waving his hands in the air trying to calm me down. It obviously didn't work.

"I'm not leaving. I've been a huge asshole and I need to... explain myself." I finally looked at him and I tried to hide the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"Explain then." I wiped my eyes.

"I felt-feel so shitty for what I did. I shouldn't have avoided you. You just confused me and I didn't know how to feel."

That made me mad. I confused him? We had something going on and then he just ignored me. For over a week. I was done.

"Is this a game to you Cole?" I was shaking in anger.

He shook his head. "No! No... it's not a game."

I sat back down on a random bed, resting my head in my hands. "What is it Then? If I'm just one of those 'young girls that are swooning over you' just tell me and I'll stop."

He sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around me. "You aren't. You never were. I'm so sorry I avoided you... I just had to think about some things."

I pushed his arm off of me and stood up. "Well don't come back to me the next time you're done thinking." I left the room and slammed the door.

Leaving a stunned Cole behind.

THIS SHIT SUCKS KM SORRY BUT YEEET! SORRY IF THERE ARE MISTAKES BUT YALL KNOW THE DRILL BY KNOW IDGAF 😂🤠 comment ur thoughts and suggestions as well and dm me if I want 😂

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