liam stewart [5]

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Instead of Liam carrying Zu out of the camp, he carries the reader, and instead of Ruby touching Zu at the hotel to see her dream, she sees the readers. (:

I fell asleep quick as we got into the motel. It was Ruby and I on the bed, and Chubs and Liam on the ground. It was nice of them to do that.

I dreamt of the day Liam broke Chubs and I out of the camp. It was more like a nightmare. The gates were broken down and everyone was pouring out of the camp. I was trying to run too, but I tripped. People didn't care. They didn't stop. Some people even stepped on me.

I thought I was a goner. But then Liam stopped with Chubs at his side. "Are you okay?" He shouted over the noise. I nodded and he proceeded to pick me up and carry me out of the camp. I wasn't small, but I wasn't big either, so he could lift me easily.

Remembering that day caused me panic and wake up. When I did I saw Ruby awake beside me. I was a sweaty mess. I was also crying a little. Which I didn't know I was doing.
"Are you okay?" She asked but was cut off by Liam coming towards us.

He sat on the bed next to me and pulled me into a hug. "It's okay. I'm here." He said rubbed circles on my back.
"I'm f-fine Liam. Just a bad dream." I felt embarrassed at how close he was.

He pulled away and had a straight and surprisingly unreadable face. "Cmon. Let's go talk about it." He stood up and grabbed my hands to pull me off the bed.
"No! Lee! It's fine. I'm fine." I tried to tug myself back on the bed, but Liam was too big.

"I know you. You need to talk about this and it'll make you feel better." He didn't let go of my hands, but he also stopped pulling.
He wasn't going to live this down, so I agreed.
"Fine Liam. Just for a little."

A bright smile appeared on his face and pulled me up off the bed. He lead me outside and we sat on a bench right outside our motel room.

We were sitting in silence for a while, until Liam took his hoodie off and tossed it in my lap. It was cold out and I had forgotten my sweater inside the motel, but I didn't need his.

I tossed his back to him only to get it right back in the face, earning a laugh from Liam.
"Just take the damn hoodie."

I rolled my eyes at him and took it, sliding it over my head and feeling instantly warmer.

He sighed. "Let's talk now. Okay?" I nodded. "What was the dream about? The usual?"
I nodded again. "The usual."

He leaned back on the bench but didn't release his eyes from mine. "You feel better now though?"

I rolled my eyes, again. "Yes Lee. I already told you. I'm fine."

He sat back up again. "I saw people stepping over you, not even having a single thought about helping you. It broke my heart." He began. "I needed to help you. I wanted to. And I never would have imagined that we would have gotten this close."

I smiled. "I'm so so grateful that you saved me Lee. I don't know what would have happened if the guards had found me, or if people kept walking on me or if-"  my voice cracked. Maybe I wasn't quite over it.

Liam put a hand on my knee. "In a way... you saved me."

Without thinking, I pulled him into a tight hug. He smelt like vanilla and sweat. Oddly, it smelt good.

When I pulled away, I saw he had a bright goofy smile on his face, which made me smile too.

"You feel better now?" He asked, standing up and heading back inside.
"Yes. Thank you."

When we went back into the motel, Ruby was asleep again. Liam laid back down in his spot and I went back to mine. But I realized I still had his hoodie.

"Lee!" I shout-whispered.
"What?" I could hear him say faintly
" still have your hoodie."
"Just keep it. It looks good on you."

Then I shut my eyes and went to bed.


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