liam stewart [3]

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Yeah sorry I write so much for Liam but also I'm not sorry ... (:

East river was home... for now. Liam, Zu, Chubs and I had been here for about a week. I had barely seen Liam or Zu, but Chubs and I had been hanging out basically all the time, since we were the ones who didn't make friends as easily as Zu or Liam. I had also found a new respect for him I didn't know I could find.

Chubs and I were returning to the main camp after our routine of sitting in the woods and just talking. He brought his book to read and I would just close my eyes and enjoy the silence.

We spotted Liam. I could see the grin Chubs was trying to hide after witnessing what Liam was doing. He was playing volleyball with some other east river kids and failing miserably. He couldn't hit the ball if it landed right in front of him. Liam saw us and gestured us over to join in. Chubs straight up yelled back "no!" But I stood and walked over beside Lee.

He didn't know this, but I was good at volleyball. Every time he missed, I would be there to save it and send it back over. I could feel him staring at me and I could hear his laughter whenever I spiked it over. He was surprised

"I didn't know you were so good at sports. Maybe you could teach me a thing or two." He slapped my arm in a friendly way, and I felt my heart thump. Being friendzone slapped in the arm isn't exactly what you want your crush to do to you.

"I don't feel good! I'm going to stop playing!" I shouted to the kids on the other side of the net, who just nodded and continued. Liam looked at me funny, but decided to keep playing-well not really playing, since he never hit the ball once.

I made my way back to Chubs and rubbed my head. "I don't feel good. I'm going to go lie down."

"I'll meet you there soon. I kind of want to see Lee get destroyed a little longer." I chuckled at that and walked back to where we were staying. Zu and I shared a bunk, while Liam and Chubs did the same. Liam and I were on the top bunk, and Zu and Chubs on bottom, but in reality the top bunks weren't that high off the ground.

I climbed up the 2 steps to get up there and sprawled out flat on my stomach. It was getting late, and maybe sleeping was the best option for when you feel sad or mad.

I was beginning to shut my eyes when I heard a noise.

"Hey. It's just me." Liam held his hands up, his eyes wide at the sight of me in bed.

I sat up quick. "What? Is something up?"

He just walked closer to the bunk and rested his arms on the bed frame. "You're in my bed. Did you know that?" He had a huge smirk on his face, me on the other hand... probably had the most horrified look ever.

I started to climb off the latter when I was blocked by Liam climbing up. "Lee what are you-" He shushed me and crawled in beside me. The bed wasn't that big, but it could fit the two of us comfortably.

I laid back down beside him, but faced the other way. I couldn't look at him in the eyes for long without sweating profusely and wanting to cry.

I felt his arm wrap around my waist and his face press against my neck. His legs wrapped around mine and it didn't take me long to realize that liam was spooning me. I felt him adjust his face so his chin was resting on my shoulder. His mouth was right next to my ear. I could hear him breathing.

"This is nice..." Liam finally said. Every breath he took tickled my ear and made me shift in my spot.

I turned around so I was facing him now. Liam's eyes were closed and his mouth was in an upturned grin.

I wanted to kiss him so bad, but that would be completely weird. "Do-do you want me to go back to my bunk?" I asked and as soon as I did I felt his grip on my waist tighten, bringing me closer to him. My nose touched the tip of his as he did so.

He began rubbing circles on my back and nuzzling his head in closer to me. His eyes finally opened and a bright smile formed on his lips. "I'm glad you crashed my bunk."

"Yeah," I said "I'm glad I crashed it too."


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