liam stewart [7]

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If blood triggers u or periods or whatever I suggest u don't read this bc it's about periods (:

I got my period while I was in camp. They gave all the girls stuff for it, but they never really taught us how to... use them. We had to learn from the older girls there. Now I was 16, and still didn't know how to use a tampon.

Now that I was out of the camps and travelling with Liam, Zu, and Chubs, I rarely thought about periods. I usually used pads and changed them whenever we stopped at a bathroom. I also didn't announce to everyone whenever I was on mine.

This time was different. My period was irregular, and the last time I got it was months ago, so I had kinda forgotten about it. Until I felt the bleeding and the beginning stages of cramps. We were sitting in Betty, with no motels or gas stations in sight. I let out a squeak when I felt it, and brought my hand quick to cover my mouth. Zu gave me a questioning look but I just shrugged it off.

Liam and Chubs who were sitting in the front seat, turned around. "Y/n? Are you okay?" Chubs asked.

I nodded slowly. "Uh-I- yeah I'm fine. I think I might be sick though... so can we stop at the nearest gas station or something?"

Liam who was driving, looked at me through the rearview mirror. "Yeah, of course."

We didn't spot one for another 20 minutes. It was a small abandoned gas station on the side of the road. When we parked, I took my hoodie off and tied it around my waist so they couldn't see the stain on the bottom of my pants. Zu saw while I was tying it. She took my hand and gave me a knowing nod.

I ran into the gas station and of course Liam followed.
"What's up? Are you okay?" He called but I kept running into the bathroom.

"I can't talk right now Lee!" I shut the bathroom door and took my hoodie off. The red stain was giant. It was like I had peed myself, but it was red. There were pads and tampons in a metal thing hanging on the wall. I grabbed a few to take on the road and used some right there. I froze when Liam knocked on the door.

"Are you okay in there? You dying or something?" I can tell he was trying to earn a laugh.
I chuckled because if he saw what had happened he might have thought so.

"Um... no i'm not dying." I cried out, taking my jeans off and trying to wash them.

The door handle rattled. "Can I come in? Please? I want to help with whatever's going on." He basically pleaded. I was in my blood stained underwear and a hoodie, so I just pulled it down so I was covering more skin. I opened the door to see Liam's eyes widen.

"What the hell-?" He said as I pulled him in. I didn't want the door open for much longer in case Zu or Chubs was near and I knew he was going to stand there for a while in awe.

"I got my period and I stained my clothes." I said gesturing over to my blood stained jeans in the sink.

Liam covered his eyes with his hands so he didn't look at me. "Your period? That's when you bleed right? Out of your-"

I held my hands up. "Ah- yes I'm bleeding. Now that you know whats up, you can leave if you want."

I went to open the door for him, but he turned to shut it again. This time when he looked at me he didn't cover his eyes. "I'm not leaving. You obviously need help." I rolled my eyes at that.

"Well, thanks." I went over to the sink to start scrubbing my jeans.

Liam sighed. "I'll go to the van and grab you new underwear and pants..." His face flushed as he said it, and he slipped out the door.

I let out a huge sigh. This was so terribly awkward.

I always got cramps when I was on my period, and this time was no exception. I clutched the sides of the sink hard, when I felt it. It was like your insides were being squished.

Liam returned a couple minutes later with two bags in his hands. He handed me one. "There's new... pants and uh-stuff." he held onto the other. "This one has chocolate in it because I remember hearing girls loved chocolate on their period, and also pain medication because I heard cramps were bad... but if you don't want these I can put them back— I don't know. Just take it." He handed the bag to me.

I was shocked at how many words the kid spilled out of his mouth. I was also shocked at how kind he was and how much he knew about periods.

I grabbed the bag and smiled at him. "Thanks."

He waved me off. "No problem at all. Now let's clean those jeans." He turned the sink on and let the jeans soak.

I took the underwear and pants out of the bag and looked over at Liam. "Can you turn around so I can put these on?"

Liam had a horrified look on his face. "I'll uh... I'll just wait outside. I don't want to invade your um privacy." He left the washroom and I quickly changed. I thought it was very kind of him to do so.

"Okay! You can come back in!" I shouted once I was done changing. He brought me some sweatpants which were extremely comfy.

He came back in with a scrubber he must've found in the gas station somewhere. "Is it fine if I scrub your jeans with this?" He questioned, holding the scrubber in the air.

I nodded slowly. "Liam you don't have too.. I can do it myself." I walked toward him to try and grab the scrubber, but he held it high out of reach and laughed.

"It's just blood. Your blood. It's fine. I've handled blood before." He brought it back down and moved over to the sink to scrub.

I just let him and leaned against the wall. "Why are you not completely freaked out about this? Most guys don't like discussing what periods are, let alone actually clean up stains."

He smiled at me and shrugged. "I mean, they're normal right? It's kinda cool what a female body can do. It's interesting. It probably sucks for you, but it's cool to learn about."

It was so shocking to me that he thought that. I just nodded and watched him as he used soap and water to scrub my jeans clean.

After he scrubbed the jeans and got them clean, we made our way back to Betty. Before we could leave the gas station, he stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"You know you could've told me right? We could've stopped on the road or used toilet paper or something." I could feel the hint of hurt in his voice, but tried not to think about it.

I patted him on the shoulder with my free hand. "Yeah, I know that. What I didn't know was that you would react so... calmly about it."

A nice smile appeared on his face and he started walking out of the station. My hand still in his.

"Well damn... This whole situation was a bloody shame." He chuckled at himself and I punched him in the shoulder.


Also sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or grammar errors (:

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