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A/N: My head hurts from all the research I did for this one chapter ffs. Also since Miss Maximoff ,(the "I'm a princess, what are you?" kid), and her mother (Peter's mother) had no confirmed names names in the X-Men Universe, I used their real names, Miya and Zehra. I did some stressful research for this story. I think I spent more time on the research rather than writing the actual book. I found out some shit and I'm halfway happy because they will help the story's plotline.

She woke up on the side road of an unknown street. The last thing she could remember was being surrounded by people in white suits, doctors, with her father in tears in the back of the room. The last thing she saw was one of the doctors rushing out of the room before she passed out.

She walked down the road she had woken up in. A street that didn't have a house. Both sides of the road were forests. It was in the middle of nowhere.

Cold, hungry, and thirsty, the girl wandered around the deserted street. She didn't know where she was going. The sky seemed as if it was midnight. The far-from-eachother street lamps made a small light. As if it was made just for the young girl to see. The lights of them gave the light of hope that there is at least one house she can find in the night. The only thing that the girl was worried about was, if she actually did find a house, will the owner help her? And even worse, the fact that she might not even find a house.

Other than that, some other questions were spinning around her head:

How did she get there?

What had happened?

Where is her father?

Where is she?

But, she let herself to worry about those questions later, after she had found a shelter.

After ten minutes it started to rain. She felt even colder when the icy cold drops of water hit her clothes and eventually her skin. She took off her sleeveless leather jacket and put it over her head.

She finally reached a house in the empty street. "Maximoff" was written on the mailbox. She studied the house until she finally knocked on the door.

A young boy, about her own age, opened the door. Only one word escaped her sore lungs.



Ms. Maximoff was having tea in the living room when she heard a knock on the door. She put the tea down, but her mutant son was already at the door. She heard a small girl's voice. He looked over and saw his son turning his head towards her as well.

"Mum, come!" he said.

Ms. Maximoff stood up and walked to the door, seeing a girl with long curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. She looked like she was the same age as her own son. The girl also looked sad, confused and hungry, and by her wet hair and clothe, she assumed she was freezing.


After the young girl was given food  to eat, and a small blanket to keep the cold away, the woman who welcomed her in the house, sat down on the couch on the opposite side of her.

"What's your name, dear?" asked the woman. The girl was hesitant to reply, but after ten seconds she spoke.

"Indiana Stark," said the young girl. The woman nodded and looked back at the boy. With a blink of an eye he was gone and back in two seconds.

"Nothing," said the boy. The woman looked back at the girl, Indiana.

"Are you lost? Were you kidnapped?" asked the woman.

"No. I woke up on the streets a few miles away. The last thing I remembered was being in a hospital," said Indiana, trying hard not to cry off thinking of what had really happened. The thoughts terrified her.

"Well, do you know your parents name, phone number?" asked the woman.

"M-my dad is Anthony Edward Stark. --- --- ---," stuttered Indiana.

The woman turned to the boy again and he suddenly disappeared again, but this time came back after ten seconds.

"The number doesn't exist, so does the name," said the boy.

"T-that's impossible," Indiana said as the tears that were welled up in her eyes fell down.

"It's okay, dear. I'll take care of you until we figure everything out,"  said  the woman. "Until then, this is Peter," she pointed at the boy. He cheekily smiled, revealing small dimples. "I'm Zehra. You can call me anything you want."

"Aunt Zehra," Indiana smiled.

A girl, again, about Indiana's own age came down from the stairs, looking like she just woke up.

"This is Wanda," said Aunt Zehra.

Wanda gave a sweet smile and rubbed her eyes. 

"Hi! I'm Indiana," said Indiana, Wanda smiled and came towards Indiana. She put her hands on Indiana's forehead and then took them down. 

"I know," she said as she went back upstairs. Indiana looked at Aunt Zehra, confused.

"I'll explain everything tomorrow. For now, it's midnight. Let's all get some sleep."

Awaken * Peter Maximoff Love Story & Irondad Fanfictiom (X-Men x Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now