-10- "Someone Or No One?"

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Indiana was changing from her boots to her sports shoe as the jet landed. Bruce exited whilst Natasha took Clint towards doctor Cho since Clint got badly injured in the battle, and Thor took the responsibility of Loki's scepter and took it out inside the tower.

Maria Hill entered with a tablet and said, "Lab's all set up, boss."

"Oh, I'm not the boss, he is," said Tony, pointing at Steve. "I just pay for everything, designed everything, and make everyone look cooler."

"What's the word on Strucker?" asked Steve, standing up.

"Nato's got him," said Maria.

"And the two enhanced?" said Steve. Maria and Steve started walking out, but Indiana listened carefully to them even though they were far away.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff," said Maria.

"Wanda..." murmured Indiana.

"What?" said Tony, apparently hearing her.

"Nothing," Indiana quickly replied before exiting the jet and running towards the tower.

She used the stairs and went two floors down to her room. and took out her backpack from her closet and threw it on her bed. She searched it and found what she was looking for. The picture Wanda had taken of Peter and Miya playing in the living room.


The sudden familiar sound that had crept into her head caused Indiana to drop the picture and it landed back in the bag.

"Diana? Are you okay?" said Natasha's voice. Indiana turned, seeing her standing by the door.

Indiana coughed, "yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"Really? You've been acting weird since the mission ended," said Natasha.

"No, it's nothing. I just got hurt a little," said Indiana.

"Do you need checking? Doctor Cho is right upsta-" said Natasha before Indiana cut her.

"No- no I'm good now, said Indiana closing the zip of her bag.

"What's in there?" asked Natasha.

"Stuff," said Indiana, shrugging. Before anything could happen, Natasha stole the bag from her hand. "Hey!"

Natasha opened the bag and took out the picture. "Who's the boy?"

Indiana chuckled and took the picture back. "Someone. No one."

"Someone or no one?" said Natasha.

"Someone. I knew him a long time ago. It's a long story," said Indiana before leaving the room and putting the picture in her pocket.

Indiana exited her bedroom whilst Natasha followed her. "You know, whenever anybody asks you something about the times you were gone, you never say anything," said Natasha.

"Well, if you want to hear the story of 19 years with Indiana, you can tune in every Saturday night at 8pm," joked Indiana, walking towards her father's lab.

"You say it like it's a TV show," said Natasha.

"That's what I was going for," said Indiana.

"Where're you heading?" said Natasha.

"The lab, if there's a spot open for me to work," said Indiana. "You know, with Doc over there and all."

"It's a big lab," said Natasha. "Maybe you can tell me a bit about your strange journey through the 70s."

"After Cho leaves," said Indiana.


"So, start talking," said Natasha, sitting on one of the empty chairs in  the lab. It was evening and a few hours until the party that Tony had planned.

Indiana sighed before opening her watch to see its inside. "Well, the night I died, I woke up in a street. I remember it was raining and no house was seen. Then, I reached a house after a long walk and- Holy shit," said Indiana, seeing a part of the watch burned.

"'and holy shit'?" said Natasha mimicking what Indiana said. She chuckled before continuing to explain the whole origin story of the past 19 years.

After almost an hour of fixing Wesley and telling everything to Natasha. It was weird how she was explaining it to her instead of her own father, but for a girl speaking, a girl-to-girl talk is easier than a father-daughter talk.

"We should get ready, the guests will arrive in 40 minutes," said Indiana.

Natasha nodded whilst Indiana was putting on her watch. There was a small silence before Natasha spoke. "Do still miss him sometimes? Peter."

"No," said Indiana with a sigh. "I miss him all the time."

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