-1- "Her Teas Are Amazing"

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6 Years Later, 1976

"Indiana. Psst. Indiana."

Indiana looked up from my assignment and turned around, facing Peter.

"What?" whispered Indiana.

"I don't understand the second progress," said Peter.

"You need to explain your own method of calculating the distance from Saturn to Titan," said Indiana and turned back to her.

"I don't know how," said Peter.

"Then find out," said Indiana, annoyed.

As she continued her work, she heard Peter and the teacher having a conversation.

"Yes, Mr. Maximoff?" said the teacher.

"May I use the bathroom, sir?" said Peter. That caused an automatic smirk form on Indiana's face. She slowly shook her head because of her idiotic friend.

Peter left the classroom. About five minutes later he returned with his cheeky smile that Indiana was a fan of. He sat down and started writing the rest of the assignment as fast as he could.

The bell rang as everyone exited the classroom. In the hallway, the posters of the upcoming Prom was on the walls, as some students gave out flyers.

"Prom is in two weeks, don't miss it," said one of the girls that were handing out flyers as she gave one to Indiana. Indiana smiled and nodded my head as her and Peter went out of the school building.

"Prom, huh," said Peter.

"I'm not going," said Indiana.

"Awe, why?" asked Peter.

"It's shitty. Plus, it's probably going to be like homecoming two years ago. No one asked me and I ended up having a tea party with Miya while watching Mary Poppins," said Indiana.

Peter sighed as the two made their way in the woods where no one can see them. "You have to admit, her teas are amazing."

They stopped after being about one and a half miles away from the school. Peter turned his back to Indiana as she jumped on his back, gripping tightly on his backpack.

"Ready?" asked Peter. Indiana gave a small "yup" as she shut both her eyes and her lips.

After two seconds they reached Peter's house. Indiana jumped down from his back. Even after eight years, she still felt sick and dizzy after each time.

Indiana gave a small cough before she followed Peter inside. Peter ran downstairs to the basement, or his room, as it is. Indiana looked over to the dining area, seeing someone reading a book. She chuckled and went there.

"Hey, home-school," said Indiana, taking out a book and throwing it on the table in front of Wanda. She jumped and looked at Indiana and rolled her eyes in pure annoyance, but the widely smiled after seeing the book.

"You found it!" said Wanda. She grabbed the book and read the cover.

"It was hard. Why does Stephen King has to be so fucking famous," said Indiana, dropping her head on the table.

"Hey, watch your language, kid," said Aunt Zehra from the living room.

"Sorry," said Indiana loudly so Aunt Zehra could hear it.

"IT," said Wanda, still exclaiming about the book. "Thank you so much, Indiana!"

"No problem," said Indiana, walking out the dining area and down the stairs to basement. She sat down on the couch next to Peter as he watched the television, while she took one of Peter's nearest comic books and started reading it, for the sake of boredom.

Indiana leaned her head on Peter's shoulders, still continuing reading the comic. She felt eyes on her as she looked up at Peter, but he quickly turned his head back, blushing while a small smile formed on his cheek.

Indiana looked back at the comic. After five minutes, Peter started talking, not daring to look at her.

"So, about prom," he said and coughed.

"What about it?" asked Indiana.

"I was wondering i-if you wanted t-to..." Indiana jumped and sat on the couch, facing the side of Peter. He looked at Indiana and looked at his hands that were playing with each other. Indiana had a surprised expression, nor happy or sad. Peter coughed and looked directly at Indiana, this time not looking away. "To prom with me?"

"Sure," said Indiana, not trying to show the burst of excitement in her stomach. She went back to reading her comic. She heard Peter sighing in relief before leaning back on the couch and continuing to watch TV.

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