-23- "What Just Happened?"

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"Hear me, inhabitants of this world.This is a message. A message to every man, woman and mutant. You have lost your way. But I have returned. The day of reckoning, it is here. All your buildings... All your buildings and temples... will fall. The dawn of a new era will emerge. For there is nothing you can do to stop what is coming. This message is for one reason alone.Those with the greatest power. Protect those without. That's my message to the world."

"Jesus, what was that?" said Indiana before landing on the snow next to where the soldiers took Peter and the other people.

"What was what?" said Wesley.

"The voice," said Indiana. "Probably only meant for humans and... mutant? Whatever that is.

"Wesley, scan this building for me," said Indiana

"Guards are everywhere. There are three kids on the first floor. Four people are on the third floor," said Wesley. "It looks like they're trapped, or captured, because that area is where most of the guards are."

"Okay. Wesley, I'm going inside. Scan to see if anyone is approaching," said Indiana.

"What if they find you?" he asked.

"I'm not going down without a fight," said Indiana. 


Indiana walked through the dark hallways whilst Wesley guided her. Unlike outside, where the mountain snow was cold as winter, the inside of it was very warm.

"Turn left to the next corridor. There's a door," said Wesley. "But... there are three soldiers there."

"I'll can take 'em down," said Indiana, a smirk forming on the side of her lips.

Indiana stealthily walked down the next hallway and reached the door. She slowly opened the door and walked in. Luckily, the door didn't screech like most. Two of the guards were looking the other way, but the other one wasn't seen.

"Oi!" a man, probably the third yelled. Without turning to look at him, she shoot him with the mini bullet and did the same to the other two before they could turn.

"Incoming guards from your right!" said Wesley.

"Shit," I muttered and flew away instead of running so it'll be faster.

After flying for about a minute or two, she stopped by a two-way turn which one went left and the other went straight.

Out of nowhere, the three kids she had seen by the wrecked buildings popped up.

"Jesus!" Indiana exclaimed.

"Who are you?" asked one of the boys with red glasses. "Are you with them?"

"What? No!" said Indiana. "I'm here to find...

"Your friend?" asked the girl.

"How did you...?"

"I can see through your mind," said the girl.

"The last girl who could do that ended up killing me," said Indiana. She regretted saying it the second it left her mouth. Wanda obviously didn't meant to do it on purpose.

"Wait, you died?" said first boy.

"Yeah, it's a long story to explain here," said Indiana.

"Incoming," said Wesley, but it was too late.

"Hey!" a guard said, he came to shoot them when she felt a weird shock and was somewhere else.

"What... just happened?" said Indiana.

"We teleported," said the girl.

"Please warn me... before doing it again," said Indiana, heavily breathing from the shock as she started walking down the corridor. The multiple footsteps behind her assumed that the kids were following her.

"Who said 'incoming'?" asked the sunglass boy.

"My AI," said Indiana.


"Artificial intelligence. Let's leave the questions for later," said Indiana.


They had found the generators. They had also unleashed a human-like monster with mental claws coming out of his hands that killed all the soldiers. According to the girl, Jean, his name was Logan. Well, Logan is now in the wild. Rest in peace the people that might turn up in his way.

With Logan killing almost all of the soldiers and guards, they were now free to rescue they're friends, and for Indiana, reuniting with Peter.

Kurt managed to tell them to step away from the door. And Indiana blasted the door open.

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