-2- "I Hope They Aren't Real"

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Indiana sat on her bed in Peter's old room. She was reading her Nurse Matilda book. Peter got it for her on her fifteenth birthday. He didn't specify where he got it from, but Indiana assumes he went to England to find it, since America didn't have it.

Indiana's eyes flickered while going from word to word in the book. Her mouth merely moving from the words.

She heard a knock on the door. "Come in," she said whilst marking where she was reading and putting the book aside. The door opened, revealing Aunt Zehra.

She had the look of concern and confusion, mixed.

"Hey, dear," said Aunt Zehra.

"Hey," said Indiana. She noticed the expression that Aunt Zehra had. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not really. I was just going to ask what are you planning after high school," said Aunt Zehra. "I hope you picked out a college, a good one."

"Wherever the others go," said Indiana .

"What? What do you mean?" said Aunt Zehra.

"Have you decided on a job?" asked Aunt Zehra. Indiana shook her head.

"I've been thinking about it for a while. After college, I want to start looking for my past, hoping I'll get some answers. And even find my father," said Indiana.

"Oh sweetie," said Aunt Zehra. She didn't know what to say. Speechless, she ended the conversation. "Whatever you feel like doing, I'll support you. These eight years that you've been here, I feel like you're my own daughter, and I love you as one. I hope you feel the same way."

"Of course I do! You've been very amazing in raising me. Better than my own mother, actually," said Indiana, frowning.

"Why? What do you mean?" said Aunt Zehra, the same concern look coming back to her face.

"Well, from what I could remember, my father was the only person I had. Wherever he is, or was, he was famous. Very famous. Because of that he didn't trust anyone to be my friend. On the other hand, my mother left when I was young. I still visited her though. But after a while she married someone else and forgot me. After I was 8 I never saw her again," said Indiana.

"Oh my goodness. Why didn't you tell me that sooner?" said Aunt Zehra.

"I don't know. sometimes when I remembered something in my head always told me it's not the time," said Indiana.

"Now, is there anything else you would like to share with me? Ignore those voices in your head. You can tell me anything any time," said Aunt Zehra.

"Recently," said Indiana, hesitating a bit, "I've been having weird dreams. About my father and where I used to live. At first I thought it was just my consciousness and the fact the I was worried about where my father is, but these past few weeks they've been so real. As if it's really happening, or happened to him."

"What do you dream about?" asked Aunt Zehra.

"Right now, I don't remember some of them, but since a few months ago, I've started writing these dreams down in this," said Indiana, opening her drawer and taking out a notebook. "I've had many dreams, but if you sum some of them up, they will end up as some kind of continued day of a situation, if you know what I mean."

Indiana opened the notebook and showed the last page she had written in to Aunt Zehra. 

"Here, 2nd February, 1976," said Indiana.

Aunt Zehra looked at the page and read it.

"He was going to Afghanistan to introduce a new weapon to the military, like he did every few months. This time, he got attacked. Several explosions later and he was taken, kidnapped." 

"And you dreamed this last night?" asked Aunt Zehra.

"Mhm," nodded Indiana.

"Whatever these dreams mean, I sure hope they aren't real," said Aunt Zehra. 

There was a sickening silence until Aunt Zehra spoke again.

"Is Peter coming? Or Wanda?" asked Aunt Zehra.

"I don't know. I haven't told my plans to either of them. Actually, you're the only person who knows," said Indiana.

"Okay," said Aunt Zehra. She stood up and headed towards the door. "Good night."

"Goodnight." said Indiana.


A/N: Here's a gif of Peter chewing gum:

A/N: Here's a gif of Peter chewing gum:

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I don't know why I have this...

I'm a loser lmao

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