-22- "I Knew It'll Work"

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Indiana opened her eyes, getting greeted by a strong flash of light, which caused her to cover her eyes with her arm. After a few seconds, she took her hands off and viewed around her.

"Great," she muttered to herself after realizing she's in the dark empty place. She had died... again. She stood up, knowing what to do, and walked to the door and went through the bright light.


Indiana opened her eyes to see herself lying beside a tree. She stood up to look around. The first thing she saw was a collapsed building, looking like an aftermath to a bomb. She saw three kids, maybe 18 or less, two standing, and one kneel down by the middle of the wrecked building. She looked around even more. In the very distant, she saw a group of those kids. They were about 50 or more. There were also a few people who looked like grown ups.

She furrowed her eyebrows after a sound of a helicopter got closer. She looked at where the sound was coming from.

"Please remain calm. Medical assistance is on its way" said a loud sound from a lady from the helicopter. It looked as if it was after those kids. The sentence repeated itself and continued even after the helicopter landed in front of the group of kids.

Four men who were wearing soldier gears and had guns exited the helicopter. Then another man with exited whilst putting on what looked like a cap.

One of the woman from the group went towards them and started talking. Her words were blur to Indiana because of the loud sound of the helicopter and the distance, but Indiana got out a few of her words: "CIA," "thank god," and "here."

The man with the cap took off his sunglasses, and it seemed one of the girls in the group recongized him. She went forward and put her hand up and shouted, "Wait"

"Fire!" was what the man said as the four soldiers blasted their guns. Indiana felt a heavy wave which caused her to stumble a bit, but she wasn't harmed. Though, it looked like the group of kids in the distance were. 

They were lying on the ground, either dead or unconscious. The man walked over the group and pointed at some of them whilst the soldiers took them to the helicopter. 

Indiana froze after seeing one of the people the soldiers were carrying in the helicopter. She saw a familiar, silver-haired guy with his silver jacket and sunglass-goggles.


The helicopter flied away with the people the man had told the soldiers to carry. 

Indiana knew she couldn't just burst out and attack them for no apparent reason, and she defiantly couldn't negotiate with them.

She only had one choice.

"Wesley? Wesley can you hear me?" said Indiana.

"I hear you loud and clear, Miss Stark," said Wesley. 

Indiana let out a sigh of relief before continuing, "Wesley, what date is it?" She asked this question to see if Wesley's program changed from there to here.

"May 3rd, 2016," said Wesley. "Why are you asking me this, ma'am?"

"No reason," said Indiana. "Is the suit damaged?"

"The energy percent is 79, and no, there is no real damages," said Wesley.

"Okay," said Indiana. She started flying after the helicopter, far enough so they won't see her, but she can see where they're going. 

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